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I pulled into the driveway and exited my car, watching everything. I figured Vanessa would be running out to see me but I understand why she isn't.

I double checked that I had her ring in my hand and stepped onto the deck, listening to the door creek open.

"Hi Teanna" I gave her a small smile.

"She's downstairs, don't mess up Caniff" She stepped out of the way for me to walk in and I kicked off my shoes, practically running down the stairs.

"Baby?" I called out nervously.

She emerged from the bedroom looking so tiny. I was shocked how much a day and a bit of a different can make.


"I'm so sorry Vanessa. It's just a lot to take in right now, I'm going on tour soon, you're almost done school, the kids now, our parents-"

She cut me off with a kiss. It felt heavy with sorrow.

"Taylor. Do you love me?"

I nodded like crazy. "More than anything in this world"

She looked at my hands and slipped her fingers into them, dropping the ring in the process.

We both froze as the metal hit the floor, not really sure of the next move. To my surprise, Vanessa reached down and slid it on her finger before hugging me like she does before I leave for trips.

"Don't ever do this again Taylor. Promise me" Her voice cracked like she was about to tear up.

"I promise babygirl" Our hug was so tight, I wasn't sure if either of us were breathing. It didn't bother me though. All that mattered was it was fixed.

She let go and wiped her eyes of the tears. "Okay. Everything is packed up. I'm ready to go home"

I stepped into the room and saw my kids sleeping soundly on the bed. "Hi babies" My voice cracked.

We gathered everything and made our way upstairs to say goodbye to Matt and Tea.

"Thank you Tea, for letting me stay here" Vanessa and her hugged. I set Emily down in her chair and buckled her in.

"You're welcome anytime, but not for this reason there Caniff" She gave me a stern look before gushing about the kids.

"Ready?" Vanessa let go of Matt. I nodded and scooped up a bucket and walked out.

Everyone followed and we packed the car.

"Talk to you guys later" Vanessa waved before we both got in and I started the engine.

We watched them stand on their deck and wave as we rolled out the lane back to the city, back home.

My hand rested on Vanessa's thigh, her hand was on top of mine and it almost felt like nothing happened and we are one happy family.

"Taylor, can we get married in the fall?"

"Well, it's May 15th, that would mean that we'd have about three months to plan"

"It doesn't have to be big. Just our friends and family, just so it's done and our kids have the same last name as their parents" Vanessa gave my hand a squeeze.

"How about next weekend?" I looked over at her surprised expression.

"We can't plan a wedding in a week!"

I chuckled, "we elope"

"Taylor, we'd be skinned by so many people"

"Okay fine. The fall it is" I smiled at how worked up she got.

"Don't start with me buddy" her arms crossed her chest and she firmly looked forward.

"Tea would get over it ya know"

"It's not just Tea I'm worried about Taylor, what about our families? Wouldn't you think Kellie would want to come to her little brother's wedding? My mother would hang me by my finger nails if she found out that we just ran away and got married"

She had a point. "You're right"

"And like I said. It can be a simple little reception and like a dinner for our families and then the whole dance/party thing after" She typed away on her phone.

We pulled into the driveway and without a word, we unloaded everything, placing the babies into the cribs and quietly reorganizing everything again.

Vanessa sat in the kitchen at the island on the laptop looking at wedding venues around Los Angeles and I sat beside her unsure of what to say.

"Babe" I started off with.

"What if we get married on the farm? There's lots of room and we could get a caterer out for dinner. Plus we'd just have to rent tables, chairs, a sound system" She rambled.

"Vanessa" I repeated.

"You like that babe?" Her eyes landed on mine and I sighed.

"I love you, and pick what you want. I'm happy as long as I get to marry the girl of my dreams and live a long happy life with my two beautiful children and their amazingly wonderful mother" I kissed her temple and put my arm around her to see the screen.

There was about 8 different tabs open that varied from flowers to locations across the top. It made me nervous.

"Honey, can you get me some water please?" Vanessa gave me a quick kiss then went back to her typing and clicking.

I stood and slumped around the kitchen to get her her water and myself some chips.

"Baby crying" We both walked towards the nursery and found Emily, crying her little eyes out.

"Oh Em, you're prob hungry" Vanessa carried her into the living room and proceeded to remove her shirt. I tossed her a small blanket and tucked a pillow under Emily's bum for support.

"Thanks baby" She gave me a kiss and I went back to see if Ethan woke up.

"Out like a rock" I peaked into the crib and saw his curled up in a ball.

"Taylor" Vanessa called.

I walked towards the living room and heard a phone ringing.

"Someone is calling" she pointed at the counter.

Grabbing the phone, I saw it was her mom and I hit accept.

"Hello my favourite mother in law" I greeted.

"Hello Taylor. How are you?"

"Good yourself?"

"I'm good. How's the babies?"

I walked into the living room and saw Vanessa burping Emily. "Good. Ethan is a sleep and Em woke up for something to eat"

"That's great, can I speak with Vanessa?"

"One sec" I passed her the phone and mouthed "it's your mother"

She put the phone up to her ear and "hey mommy" was her opening line.

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