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Heyhey readers! 😊

So I'm going to put the a/n first because I'm sorry for not updating, and I think I'm going to add another person into the story.

One of you guys! If you really like this story, comment and I'll pick one of you too be in it.

But, enjoy this kinda short update, but it's better than nothing I guess haha (not funny I knoooooow)



Tea's pov.

I moved the chairs that were on the other side of Vanessa to were all the other ones are and pushed the babies beds to beside her.

"How does that-." I looked at her, but she was fast asleep.

"Great job Tea. Looks awesome." I nodded.

"Thanks Tea! I'm going to watch tv, care to join?" I grabbed the remote and sat in my bed.

I flipped through the channels till I found a music one.

"Sure why not." I threw the remote at the foot of my bed and leaned back.

"What to do?" I said out loud.

I looked around the room.

It was pretty quiet other than the beeping of Vanessa's heartbeat and the little bit of noise coming from the tv.

I started tapping my fingers on the bed railing to the beat of the music.

Humming quietly, I noticed that Ethan twitches every once and a while.

I smiled at how cute the two of them look.

It was boring, and I looked at the clock. Almost midnight.

"I've spent the day at the hospital." I said to myself.

Back to humming, I thought of something.

"I can call Matt!" I jumped up and grabbed my phone.

It rang four times before a groggy "Hello." answered.

"Hey babe. How are you?" I smiled.

"I just saw you five minutes ago." He chuckled. "But tired, you?" He yawned.

"Just laying in bed. Vanessa passed out." I yawned.

"Yeah, Taylor is asleep as well."

I could hear he was almost asleep.

"I woke you up. Sorry babe. I'm just bored but I'll let you get some sleep." I felt bad.

"It's alright. Talking to you is more important." He let out a small laugh.

"Awe. I love you." I knew I was blushing. Matt has that power over me.

"Love you too." I could tell he was fighting to stay awake.

"Babe. I'll let you go. I know I woke you up."

"Tea, it's fine. Do you want me to come up there?"

I never thought of that. Maybe he could then in case both babies wake up, I'll have help.

"No, no. Sleep Matthew. I'll see you in the morning." I really wanted him to come, but sleep is better for him.

"You sure Teanna?"

"Yes babe. I'll let you sleep."

"But I need yooooouuu." He pleaded.

"Mattchoo you loser, go to bed." I giggled.

"Tenana you dork, I'm coming."

"Matt no. Stay with Taylor."

"Nope. I'm coming. I sleep better when I'm next to you."

"You'll survive. You spend how many nights without me?" I raised my brow.

"One too many. This is why I need to come there." He sounded serious.

"Matt don't! The night will be over before you know it." I cried.

"Too late. I'm already in the car. I'll see you in 5."

Shit. What did I do?

"Matt!" I stood up and raced to the window.

"Tea!" He mimicked my tone.

"I'm not letting you in." I slid into one of the chairs. I almost started crying.

"Tea?" He said softly. "You alright?"

I couldn't hold the tears back.

"I'm coming for real now. I love you." He hung up.

I dropped my phone on the chair beside me.

"Vanessa." I whispered.

I needed her, but she was asleep. I couldn't scream because the kids and I had no voice.

Without thinking, I jumped out of my chair and dove on to her.

"Hey what the fu- Tea! What happened?" Vanessa woke up.

I just cried louder, not sure if I made a sound. My breathing picked up and I was gasping.

"I'll call the nurse." She reached for the button but I hit down her arm.

"Tea! You need help!" She yelled.

"Everything alright?" A nurse rushed in.

"She is freaking out. I don't know why!" Vanessa's breathing picked up.

"Hey. Tea. We're going to help you. Just try calm down." The nurse told me.

"Doctor!" She yelled.

"Yes? What happened?!" The doctor ran in to look at me.

"Please fix her." Vanessa pleaded.

"Let's get her to a different room." The doctor said.

The nurse nodded. "Okay. Can you walk?"

I nodded and tried to stand, falling into the doctor.

"I'll get a wheelchair." The nurse ran out.

"Calm down ma'am. Everything fine." The doctor rubbed my arm.

I shock my head. "NO!" I screamed.

I woke up one of the babies, cause the other too.

Our room was louder than a rodeo.

"Here doctor." The nurse wheeled the chair beside me. They both put me down and wheeled me out. I looked at Vanessa who was with three nurses......

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