9 Holding Moonwater

Start from the beginning

He didn't need any further instruction. He was out soon after his head hit the pillow. Tye brought a clean blanket for him. And a warm one for Linzie and Mika. Doc busied him with errands now that the flow of people was beginning to die down. He escorted slightly wounded into the living rooms to rest on couches and large cots he'd been busy setting up. He rummaged the kitchen for snacks, and drinks to help them a little. Comfort them.

They did lose a few people. As sad as it was, it was to be expected. He had noticed one death that really got to Mika.

The chef.

Chef had been a close friend to her. He could tell. She wouldn't stop crying at first. Still she gave him a fitting sending off of sorts. Mika had left the room. He thought she wasn't coming back. Shortly after she left though, she came back with a spatula he seemed to always be seen with. She cleaned him up, closed his eyes, out his spatula in his hands, and held his mate close. The two of them cried over him, and whispered back and forth to each other. It hit him hard. He was eventually going to have to do this. Comfort the loved ones of a deceased comrade. Tell them they didn't make it. That they wouldn't be coming back. His heart was heavy with nthe thought, but it was part of being a Luna. He accepted this responsibility when he agreed to be a Luna. This was reality.

People died.

People got killed.

People had to move on, and survive. Or else there would be nothing left. Not even memories.

He shook his head again to clear it. Again. Maybe that particular death hit him hard because he had to help move him? Chef was a large man, rounded, and built. The girls were having a hard time moving the dead to begin with. Chef was nearly impossible. So Tye stepped in when he could.


Carter limped in after a while. He went straight to the infirmary. His eyes found Marella first, and the tired boy limped over to her. He gave her a tired hug, and collapsed on an open cot. She was shocked to say the least. Had her guard been down so much that he knew? Or did he know all along? No.. he would have said something. Wolves were territorial.

She sighed softly. He was just exhausted. Good. At least he wasn't terribly hurt. She and a few other girls took care of the bite on his leg, and cleaned him up. They called Tye to carry him out to the living rooms.

Doc sighed sadly. " DOA. " She said softly as a fee young makes carried in a young warrior. " Tye sweetie. Please move him with the others..."

" Of course Doc. " He sighed. Tye took the young pack warrior out of the infirmary, and placed him outside with the others. They had done well. Moonwater had only lost a handful compared to the intruders attacking them. He turned ready to head back inside when he just about ran into a girl staring at the bodies. One in particular.

She started sobbing, and shaking. Tye looked down. He knew exactly what this was. Mika had done it hours ago. This girl was the warrior's mate. He pulled her into his chest gently, and stroked her hair soothingly as he could manage.

Jason woke, and stumbled around looking for his mate. He felt despair coming from him so fiercely that he thought he was in trouble. He found him at a patio door. Holding a young girl. The was sobbing, and when he looked at Tye, so was he. He chose to stay in the shadows, and wait. Watch how his mate handled this, because it didn't take a genius to see the scene and figure out what was happening.

Tye gave a shakey sigh. " I didn't know him. But, he fought bravely. We all have tonight. Everyone here, has done something. Elders have even tried. The odds here we're extremely unfair. We have been outnumbered. Whoever is behind this knew it would be the perfect time to take out Alphas.." He paused not knowing what to say or why he was rambling.

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