Dom didn't think so. He looked down at your shaking frame with puppy dog eyes, trying his best to keep his composure. He could've cried right then and there, just seeing how scared and helpless you look, how you relied on him to provide you a sense of safety right now. He would be dammed if anything was gonna stop him from giving you just that. He held back tears, fearing it would make you feel more guilty, and he wiped your own with his thumb.

"I'd rather die princess. Never in a million years."

Everything fell into place at that moment.

Dom slipped his arms under your knees and picked you up bridal style.

"I'm taking y/n home. Let me know what happens with Peters bitch ass. Tell him if he tries it again I'll beat him harder than he does his tiny pathetic dick every night. Stupid motherfucker." You giggled at Dom's cursing, which was aimed at your ex but unfortunately thrown at Abstract. Kevin just nodded and waved him away before turning back to his boyfriend. Now that you were sure Dom wouldn't take his anger out on you, you could cherish just how fine he looked and sounded being all protective over you. It wasn't any jealous shit either, just genuine care and compassion.

The alcohol in your system, although making you panic before, was not helping to lighten your mood, and before long you were all peppy again while Dom carried you to the car. You snuggled into his chest, smiling.

"You're so hot," you groaned, turning your head up to look at him.

"We've been knew. Tell me something I don't know," he replied, and you laughed at the seriousness with which he said it.

"Ummmm... I want to fuck," it slipped. You were too exhausted and intoxicated to care though.

"Also been known," he joked with a smile.

"No, like, for real," you got serious, hoping he would realize the severity of the situation. He looked down at you, his brows furrowing.

"You don't know what you're saying babydoll, just close your eyes and rest." He kissed your forehead before slipping you into the passenger seat of the car.

"I do. I've never wanted to do something with someone so much. You make me feel so safe," you slurred, your eyes closing.

"That's the bare minimum princess. Everyone you're friends with should make you feel saf-" you cut him off quickly.

"Are we just gonna pretend that kiss never happened?" You moved your head side to side in the seat, keeping your eyes closed as Dom turned on the car radio and a mellow tune started to play. It lulled you slowly in and out of sleep.

"No, but we can talk about it when you're sober." Dom tried to keep his tone calm, but his stomach was doing flips and he could feel his palms get sweaty. His anxiety over you confessing was driving him insane.

" I wanna kiss you again. Can we kiss again? Please. Let's kiss again," you giggled and tried reaching over to him, but he pushed you off lightly, keeping his eyes on the road. You pouted, but relaxed when you felt his hand on your thigh, just resting there, holding you back without using any force.

"Stay still baby doll," he chuckled, "gonna make me crash,"

You stayed quiet the rest of the drive, vibing out to the music. You only realized it was Dom's voice when you got back home.

"Holy fuck thats you!" You exclaimed, way too loud for the time of night that it was. Dom smiled and helped you out the car.

"Yeah, me and Kev have been working on some stuff," he stared down at you and you wrapped your arms around his neck, signaling him to pick you up. He did, and then walked inside with you. Your sleepyness hit you out of nowhere as soon as Dom plopped you down on the bed. You blinked at him with half lidded eyes as he left and came back with a cup of water, which he signaled at you to drink by extending his arm out. He rubbed his own eyes, and you could tell he was sleepy as well.

Good time lovin'- Dominic FikeWhere stories live. Discover now