The License

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Hope's pov

After the Carnival, my classmates and I all passed out from exhaustion. Luckily, the next day we didn't have school and U.A's top three students suggested something I should spend my day off doing.

I was currently sitting in the common room with the three of them. I had spent my morning with them and had gotten to know them a little better.

"The hero license exam is today!"
Nejire said happily.

I had noticed she always had a happy smile on her face. It was refreshing.

"What's a hero license?" I asked the group.

The all looked at me like I was stupid and then started to laugh. Tamaki even managed out a small chuckle.

"It's something you get that allows you legally fight crime.." Tamaki said quietly.

I stood up quickly and placed my hands on my hips, puffing out my chest and looking in a random direction.

"Sounds like something worthy of a hero like me" I said dramatically, deepening my voice.

Mirio gently grabbed my elbow and sat me back down with a smile

"It's not easy to get it though, just ask your classmates" Mirio said

I nodded and placed my hand to my chin thinking.

"What kind of challenge are we talking about?" I asked

The three kids in front of me looked between each other and shrugged

"No idea" Mirio answered

"They change it every year.." Tamaki said

I sighed and tilted my head back

"So this extremely important compitition that can make or break my future as a hero is today and I don't even know what to prepare for?" I asked mockingly

"Correct!" Nejire said happily.

I looked down and smiled at her. She really had the attitude to clear the mind of anything stressful.

I stood up and stretched out my body carefully. I then looked back at the three.

"I'm in"

~wittle time skip~

I stood at the entrance of a large building. Apparently the building was the location of the hero license exam.

Sadly Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire told me they couldn't watch me due to classwork which I completely understood. I was doing this alone.

No help
No friends
Just me

I gulped as I looked at the building.

Did it always look so intimidating?

My situation soon sunk in.

Everyone else in my class has a hero license. If I don't get one soon then I'll be excluded from our class assignments and activites just like I was when I first joined U.A.

I bit my lip and looked at the building in front of me, determination filled my thoughts. This was the day I was going to get my hero license. I can finally be equal with my classmates.

My shoulder got pushed in front of me by a force and it pushed my body forward, making me fall down.

I placed my hands in front of me and caught myself before my body landed on the ground.

I stood up, dusting my hands off as I did so. I saw a group of students in front of me. It looked like a class of ten or fifteen students.

The couple students closest to me looked back at me with a smirk.

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