The Lookalike

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Deku's pov

Waking up was always the hardest part of the day for me; I was never and will never be a morning person. So the fact that I woke up half an hour before my All Might alarm, infuriated me.

But nevertheless I did my normal school morning routine which consisted of doing a couple sets of weight lifts, taking a quick shower, brushing my teeth, and quickly combing the tangles out of my hair before throwing my uniform on. I grabbed my bag and walked towards my door. I gave one last look at my clock and realized I was leaving my room half an hour earlier.

Maybe I'll just make breakfast then

Making my way out of my room, I took a glance down my hallway and listened for any noise that could tell me someone else was up but I heard nothing. I shrugged my shoulders and walked quietly down the hallway, trying not to wake anyone.

When I was getting closer to the common area I heard the sound of the T.v playing. I couldn't make out what was playing exactly and who was watching it so I stepped in closer to investigate.

I stopped once I saw little legs hanging off of the couch

What is Eri doing in here alone?

I noticed the T.v was playing the disney movie Brave. It seemed to be the beginning of the movie but that wasn't what I was focused on. Moving closer to investigate I saw something that made my heart flutter. Something that gave me a small tingling sensation over my chest, slowly rising to my neck and cheeks.

I was right, Eri was laying on the couch but she wasn't alone.

Hope was laying under her, letting her use her body as some sort of pillow. The six year old girl's head rested on her lookalikes core as it moved up and down slightly due to her breathing. Hopes arms were wrapped around under Eri's armpits, touching her shoulder blades. Eri's arms layed directly in front of her, resting on Hope's chest. Their legs were entangled together. Hope's long grey hair rested on Eri's head, showing how similar the girls were in hair color.

My breath hitched as I watched the too. Saying they looked cute was an understatement. Seeing Eri so close so another girl gave me a light-headed feeling, I was so overjoyed. She hadn't gotten close to any girls at her time at U.A. and I was starting to get worried.

I really just hope she can see Hope as a role model. She needs it and I know Hope needs it too. It's like they're perfect for each other.

I smiled softly at the two before deciding to head to the kitchen and let them sleep. Although, I definitely could watch them stir for hours if I had the time.

I sat my bag down at the end of the couch and entered the kitchen, grabbing the ingredients I needed to make pancakes for a group of more than twenty teenagers. Pancakes seem easy enough right..?

I looked at all of the ingredients in front of me.

Where do I even start?

I not a strong cook, I definitely prefer eating the finished product than making it. So looking at all of the ingredients in front of me, not even knowing if half of them are needed to make pancakes was nerve racking.

"Izuku Midoriya"

I turned my head at the sound of my name to see Hope. She was holding one of my notebooks that she must have taken from my bag, reading my name that was printed on the cover page. She let out a small yawn and I looked at her tired face. She had link pink bags under her eyes and she had a large red indentation on her cheek, probably because she was sleeping on that cheek. Her lips were a little chapped and her outfit was slightly wrinkled.

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