The Fight

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Hope's pov

I was sitting down in my seat in my new classroom. I doubt I'll get used to this place anytime soon. I was the first one here; everyone was slowly trickling in after me though. I suppose that's what running ahead of everyone gets you. I watched as familiar faces entered, some making conversations with others while some simply sat in their seats and waited.

I guess no one wanted to question my behavior earlier, as I received no strange looks nor eager questions. This would be my first full day at U.A. high school, my second day in total, and I was ready to make the most of it.

I sat quietly and looked around me, everyone had seemed to be present and In their seats. I heard a deep grunt in the front of my classroom and I turned my attention to it. There stood my new teacher Mr. Aizawa. I couldn't help but be a little shocked...where did he even come from? He wasn't there a second ago.

He started the day quickly as to not waste any time, he explained what everyone would be doing today, which seemed quite similar to what we did yesterday, before turning his head to me.

"You. Go and get your costume, think of a hero name while you're out." He said plainly.

I wasn't sure if he meant to go now or to wait. Either way, I had no idea where anything was so it wasn't like I was getting there by myself. He continued his directions for the day and his eyes landed on me once more, this time his normal expression changing slightly in annoyance

"Why are you still here?"

I sweatdropped and stood up slowly, the classmates eyes were on me but at this point I was used to it.

"Sir, with all due respect..I don't know my way around this school yet"

He sighed and I flinched. I didn't want to be a bother but it was true! I stood next to my desk awkwardly waiting for his response. I watched him scan the classroom quickly before his expression went back to the same tired face he pulled off well.

"Momo go with her"

I watched as Momo quickly stood up and made her way to the door in the classroom. I followed her confident movements and gave a small wave to everyone in the class before completly walking out the door she left open, closing it behind me.

I watched as the girl's serious expression changed once she exited the classroom. She turned to me with a huge infectious smile, making me automatically grin a little as well.

"Have you thought about what your costume should be?! You're going to look so cute!" She exclaimed happily.

I smiled up at her and shook my head
"I guess I haven't put much thought into it" I replied. Its not like I really needed a costume. Ive spent my life mastering my quirk along with its repercussions so a costume was, at this point, just for show.

Momo continued to go on about my soon to be costume while we walked together in the halls. I listened to her rants about what color would suit me and what fabric she recommended while slightly laughing behind her back at her obsessive behavior. We both slowed our walking pace down as we heared another set of foorsteps behind us.

"Hey rockstars! Where are you two going?"

We both turned around to see the culprit of the nasely voice was a tall blonde man. He had orange shades on along with thick headphones that helped his pushed back hair stay in place.

"Hey Present Mic, I'm just taking Hope to Mei to get her a costume"

This was my first time seeing this man, I assumed he was a teacher of some sorts but at the same time he gave off a completely different vibe. I watched as he walked closer and nodded at the response Momo gave him before turning his head to me.

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