Chapter III

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Well it seemed like hours had passed while the two brothers just glared at each other. I just didn't want to be become a scapegoat in whatever fuss was going on between them so I decided to not utter a word.

"Let them go. Now" said the brother who had rather blond hair and bright blue eyes. If the situation wouldn't have been so threatening I would have definitely asked him out. YEAH THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT,  ASKING BOYS OUT.

"This doesn't concern you brother, or I assume you have a soft spot for all redheads." Ian said with a smirk ." Ahh I see , heartbreak really does last long." He added with pretended pity.

The other brother who looked completely calm until now , seemed to be lost completely. He didn't say anything. He was just going to leave when I realized this was my last chance at escaping.

"Please help me , I really won't tell anything to anyone." Yeah i was definitely stupid , asking help from his brother when they were all blood sulking creatures.

But he stopped. He looked back at me. I could see the look in his eyes. It wasn't anger or pity or kindness. He was hurt. He was hurt by his brother's words.

"Ian I don't want to do this , let her go" He said,  almost inaudible.

Ian started to laugh. It scared me. It scared me because his laugh wasn't based on humour. He buried his fangs in my neck and a sharp pain shot through me. I could feel myself losing consciousness, my energy was slowly getting drained. I couldn't see anything clearly,  everything was hazy.

When I was just about to lose my balance  and fall down , I felt someone catch me in their arms. I still couldn't make out who it was . I was being held tightly,  as I had no strength of my own.

I felt a feather touch me at the place where Ian had bitten me. Blood stopped dripping from there, and the wound closed. I was also starting to feel better. I could see who it was now,  it was the blue eyed brother.

"Thank you umm" I realised I didn't know his name

"Paul , you can call me Paul" He said with a smile all so bright.

Remembering what had just happened I looked back in fear to see Ian standing there
, looking absolutely pissed. He clenched his jaw as he saw his brother taking out another feather out of no where to treat the rest of my wounds. I didn't understand anything but I felt like Paul was the only one who could get me out of here . Out of this place and out of this mess.

It was now that I noticed that this feather was blue unlike the one we had found by the lake. Before I could think more about it my thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice .

"When will you stop interfering in my personal business huh brother? WHAT IS YOUR DAMN PROBLEM!"  He screamed straight at his brother.

Yeah I was definitely going to die today.

The Kiss of DeathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin