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I couldn't understand what he really meant. There was nothing unusual about me. I was a totally normal human being.

"What do you mean? I I' I'm jus just a normal person , wh why wou would you even say that? " I asked , my voice a little shaky.

"That feather you know,  it is not just any feather,  it's the royal golden feather passed on down to the lineages of huntresses in your family. Haven't you ever wondered why you inherited your mother's family name , when that isn't the case generally?" Paul asked me.

"I didn't know that , I was just 6 when they disappeared all of a sudden and I I h have never known anyone else from my family , nor did anyone take me up when I lost my parents , I I,  I don't-" I was at a loss of words. Nothing around me made sense. A Huntress? What did that even mean.

I looked towards Ian. His face as white as if he'd seen a ghost. No help even there.

Maybe this was all a made up story. Absolutely,  it had to be. They both were tricking me into something,  into this web of lies and conspiracies I didn't want to be a part of but I wasn't going to fall for their petty lies.

"So this your way to help me do your dirty work huh? Is this your master plan Ian?" I asked bolder than ever looking him in the eye.

He didn't speak anything. He just stood there trying to put pieces together.

"Well if you don't believe me , why don't you try touching one of us" Paul replied , still trying to act as if he was unfazed by what had happened. 

Oh God. Either this was all true or he was just a very good bluffer. How I wished the latter to be true.

But I had to find out for myself. So be it.

I brought my hand towards Paul's. I stopped when my fingers were just inches away from touching his skin , I was too scared. What if all he said was true ? What would happen to him? What would happen to me?

Sensing my hesitation , Paul decided to do the deed.

He brought forward his hand, touching mine and my entire body went haywire at that very moment. Sparks of current flew all through me and I could feel a growing itch on my back. My eyes felt hot and my nails grew until they became as long as that of a panther, my hair flew in all directions and I could feel a stream of warmth flow into each and every part of my body. I could no longer keep track of what was happening to me. The itch in my back kept growing until it erupted as a sudden pain that caused a scream to escape from my mouth. Tears flew down my face as this pain spread to every part of my body. I could not control it and nor could I endure it.

I fell to the ground with a sudden new weight at the back of my body. I wanted to turn but I couldn't.  I couldn't move even a single part of my body.

I then felt someone kneeling beside me , someone with a very strong musty smell.

It was Ian.

"If I touch you the transition will just intensify but I can help you with it. You need to control the flow, direct it to one part of your body ,basically to your wings. All the power will them slowly distribute all over your body and you'll be able to control it."  He explained to me trying to soothe me through his words.

Wait. What did he say? MY WINGS!?

I looked back slowly to see two majestic golden wings laying limp on the ground. What the actual hell!

As I brought my hand back to touch them , I sharp pain shot through my body again causing me to fall to the ground again.

"You need to direct your power to your wings or else you'll be consumed it. It is too strong for you." Ian said to me from Paul's side.

Paul had fallen as well with his bright blue wings flapping violently in the air . Something must have happened to him as well but I had been too occupied with myself to even look at him.

He was struggling as well, the pain apparent on his face. Ian helped him up and his wings slowly retreated back , his eyes which had turned to bright blue colour returning back to their natural grey. He looked my way , with sympathy on his face.

But I didn't need any sympathy from anyone. I had always known how to handle myself in the toughest of situations and this time would be no different.

I did as Ian had told me.

I focused on the power rather than the pain trying to direct it all to my wings.

Sharp pains still flew all around my body but for once I didn't let it them shatter me. I remembered what my Mom told me as a kid that I was the strongest girl in the entire world , how I'd never cry when I fell in the playground or when I fell off my bike hundreds of time while learning to ride  it. I was her brave girl. I'd always be.

The pain was gone , instead now I felt more powerful than ever. My wings flew in a graceful manner behind me , full of power. My entire body was filled with a new kind of strength filling the void the pain had created.

I stood up now facing Ian and Paul , who looked at me with worry on their faces.

I was about to take a step towards them when suddenly came in a new feeling.

The urge to kill.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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