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After a wait of what felt like an eternity , someone finally knocked on my door. I immediately sprang out of my seat and ran  towards it.

I opened the door to Marcus standing there , looking absolutely calm. I was searching his face for a glint of any expression , had he found it or not?

Then my eyes shifted to his hand . His fists were closed , like he held something in them.

My face lit up like a thousand Christmas lights. He had found it.

"I don't know if this is what you were searching for but this is the only thing we  found there." Marcus said.

He opened his fists to reveal a small red gemstone attached to a slightly rusted chain. It was a bracelet,  and more importantly it was not my locket. He gave it to me and I stood there absolutely still, staring it at .

"This is not my locket" I replied , my voice breaking.

"I'm so sorry ma'am,  but we couldn't manage to find anything else but I'll ask the cleaning staff to go through the garbage taken out of the room again." He replied with a look of sympathy in his eyes.

I closed the door on his face. I didn't want to hear his reassuring shit. He had told me that it was there , that they would find it there and that he would bring it back to me,  I shouldn't have trusted him , I shouldn't have trusted anyone. I could have found it if I tried it on my own but now it was so far away from me that I felt like I'd never see it again.

I sat down on the desk and started sketching again , this time more because of fury and regret than sadness.

I kept drawing with all the pressure I could till I felt the tip of the pencil break and at that moment something inside me broke as well.

I felt like I was losing control of everything at this moment. I didn't know where we were,  how we were supposed to get out of this place and now on top of it all I had lost my locket as well.


I felt someone hugging me from behind. It was Caesy , always too much perfume , that too the rosy one but at this moment I adored this fragrance,  it brought me comfort.

This was my mother's favourite scent as well.

I remembered it all too well , how I would tell her that I loved hugging her because she smelled so nice . Caesy never admitted it , but I always knew that the reason of her wearing this fragrance everyday was to make me feel my mother's presence and I loved her for this.

"It's alright Laura , I promise I'll find it for you. " She said in her ever - so - soothing voice.

I wanted to believe her for a moment, to think that she would really find it , but I wasn't so delusional, I knew she wouldn't be able to find it just like that , when an entire team of 7 - 8 people weren't able to.

There was only one way left now , I ask Ian to help me out.

Well that was pretty surprising, I had thought of Paul to be the more trustworthy one but considering the current situation I couldn't face him , I wasn't scared of him or anything but there were things that I shouldn't be knowing that I knew now. Paul was obviously not his senses and I was ready to forgive him if he felt sorry for what happened. He had of course saved my life once.

But for now , I had to find Ian and my locket.

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