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When I opened my eyes , it was dark all around, but not exactly pitch black. I could still see everything around me in versions of grey and black. My eyes felt heavy from the deep sleep I had just woken up from. I tried processing everything that had happened in a day's time as well as tried to contemplate whether I was having absurd dreams again. But no , everything was the same when I woke up , the room , the door,  the couch , the window , the ... Wait. 

Someone was standing by the window.

A shiver ran down my spine. I couldn't form words at this moment,  not even a single sound escaped from my mouth.

This was straight up privacy invasion.

It was when she turned that I realised it was Caesy. Relief flooded through me. She was here and she was absolutely alright, and that was all that mattered to me right now.

I ran towards her and grasped her in a tight hug. "Thank God you're alright ,  I was so worried about you" I said to her, almost on the verge of cracking up. It was because of me that she was caught up in all this mess, and I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if something happened to her.

"I'm fine Laura. See , I'm not hurt anywhere,  nothing to worry about at all" She said reassuring herself more than me,  I could see the fear clearly on her face .

She looked like she wanted to ask something but was hesitating.  I nodded at her , asking her to go on ." Where are we and whatt is this I mean what are they , what is happening? She said letting it all out at once.

I rubbed her back , trying to calm her down. How do I answer the questions which I too know nothing about. I was just as scared as she was , but I couldn't show it . Someone had to try to act brave in here , or we wouldn't survive.

"They're Vampires , Caesy. Just like the ones we read about in the stories but not exactly the same. They do feed on blood , human blood of course. I know its all very scary, but I want you to believe me. I promise I'll never let any harm come onto you. We'll both get out of here , together." I said reassuring her with a smile on my face.

She smiled back at me and nodded her head.

She always got scared of little things and that was why it was very difficult to get her to watch a horror movie with me. But at this moment,  she chose to put up a brave face for me , she chose to trust me. I sure as hell wasn't going to let it break.

The Kiss of DeathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang