Chapter 12: Reha 'Sagam

Start from the beginning

"I will return for you. Or someone will." I say. She doesn't react. I continue running, and I reach the secondary hanger. I grab a banshee and fly off, using the afterburners to get out of range before they can react. I took my own personal custom banshee, which is fully closed and pressurized, along with a small slip space drive, meaning I can at least get close to the planet. I active said drive, sending me into a quick jump that leads me to the planet, and it's shattered moon. I fly over to investigate, purely to satisfy my curiosity. 

Noble 6 PoV

"Cat, hows it been going?" I say, walking over to her. She's setting up a communication device able to reach out into space. We want to see if Jun is here as well, so we thought we could this would help, along with detecting Covenant spacecraft. 

"If you're asking about me, I've been fantastic..." She said, twisting two wires together. "But if you're asking about this... it's... nearly..." The machine lights up with life, and a random radio station starts playing. 

"That was fast." Carter said, walking over with Jorge and Emile. 

"She never lost her touch, I guess." I say. Cat fiddles with it a bit more, and a screen comes to life with a radar, and a small red blip comes on towards one of the edges. 

"I'm assuming red is bad." Emile said. 

"No, red means free candy." Cat said sarcastically. 

"Let me contact it." I say. 

"That's not exactly a good idea. At all." Jorge told me. 

"Yah, but why would they send a single ship? A banshee already failed killing us when it was just us three." 

"Fine. Lay down some Charm, 6." Cat hands me a mic, and after some tuning, she gives me a thumbs up.

Reha 'Sagam PoV 

I'm leaving the rubble field around this moon, and I'm hailed. 

"This is Noble team to unknown contact, state your business." Noble team...those are the demons. I can't ignore the hail, however. 

"Demons, I am Reha 'Sagam, Zealot of the Covenant fleet of Furious Vengeance. I come alone and with-" 

"Listen here you freak, stay away from Remnant!" The voice shouts. 

"I have information about N'thura 'Musumiee, the leader of the fleet." 

"And what makes you think we won't gut you the moment you land?"

"I won't be surprised when the knife is plunged into me, but I need to do what I can to stop his plans." 

"And why's that?" 

"Honor. And I'll give you a token of good faith." 

"What's this little token?" 

"Do you know of a group called the White Fang?" 

"Only the single largest terrorist organization on the planet." 

"N'thura wishes to sow chaos by giving them Covenant Weaponry." A long pause follows. 

"I'll give you coordinates to land. Don't cause a ruckus." The feed cuts and a new message appears with coordinations. I fly down into the atmosphere, flying low and I reach the point, and it appears to be some docks. I land and a warthog rolls up, three demons coming out from different places in the vehicle. One with basic gray armor, the other a hulking beast, the final one  with a skull carved into his visor. They all pull weapons, the beast grabbing a massive gun from the back. 

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