Chapter 11

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"This was such a sweet idea, thank you." Emilia said, as she began walking along the beach.

"You don't have to thank me," George laughed. "Any excuse to spend time with you."

He reached over and pulled her close. As she gazed up into his eyes in surprise, he captured her mouth with a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck in acceptance, and he deepened the kiss. His hands moved slowly down her back, until they cupped her behind, causing her to jump closer to him.

He smiled into the kiss, enjoying the closeness of her body. As he held her tight, she moaned in pleasure.

"God, you're so piff," George admitted, as Emilia eventually came up for air.

Emilia blushed, as she tried to straighten her hair. She looked around, but the beach was almost empty. "Piff?"

"Oh. It means hot. Sorry, hanging with my cousin to much!" George stammered out.

"You're such a bad influence on me," Emilia teased, grabbing George's hand.

"I think that is the other way round, darling," George countered, swaying their arms as they began to walk again. "You make me lose all control."

They walked in content silence, gazing out as the sun began to set.

"I'm glad we could both get today off," Emilia began. "I have been working non-stop with all this gang violence lately. And I'm glad your cousin could spare you."

They'd driven up earlier this morning. A three-hour round trip was worth it for the view of the ocean, and to escape the busy city buzz.

George nodded. "I'm glad you could cancel those plans you had for the weekend too. I know you had dinner plans with that boy and his family. It gives us extra time."

Emilia gave a tight smile. "I think we needed this. Time away."

George smiled and grabbed her hand.
"Anything for you. I told you."

"Anything?" Emilia questioned.

George raised an eyebrow, getting a little excited at her possible request. "Anything to make you happy."

Emilia grabbed his hand tighter. "Ok, take me to dinner. I am starving!"

She giggled at his forlorn face.


"Dad, when is Emilia visiting again," James interrupted Alex's thoughts.

Alex put his phone down and moved the papers in front of him.

"Come here buddy. Sit down. Emilia won't be visiting for a while," Alex tried to explain.

"But why?" James again interjected.

Alex shook his head. He has tried to keep James away from the business and keep his unawares of what went on. How could he explain that Emilia was associating with bad people, without mentioning his involvement?

"Well," Alex stumbled. As he began to form a somewhat coherent argument, a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in," Alex called, before saying, "James, off to your room. We will talk later."

"Sorry to interrupt sir," a guard apologised, shutting the door behind him. "We found some more evidence on Marlano's gang as you requested."

"Yes. Continue," Alex commanded.

"We focussed mainly on that new man for you," the guard began.

"I never asked you to look into him," Alex interrupted.

The guard nodded. "We know sir. You didn't have to."

Alex smiled at his guard. He didn't feel he deserved their unwavering loyalty. He knew he wasn't as demanding as his father had been, but he was still surprised every time they showed their fidelity.

Alex gestured for the guard to continue. "What have you found out?"

"Well he has only been seen with Emilia three times that we could find."

"Don't mention her in front of me!" Alex suddenly exploded, slamming his hands on the desk.

The guard backed away, slowly. "I'm sorry sir. Would you like me to give you the information on his activities then?"

Alex sat down and took a calming breath. "Yes. Show me."

The guard leant over the keyboard and opened up a video clip.

"This was taken a week ago. An alley camera picked it up. If you wait, there. That's him. Making a delivery."

Alex huffed impatiently. "And what does this tell me about him or Marlano's activities?"

The guard chuckled. "Ever the patient man, sir. Just wait. Here it comes."

Alex leant into the screen, as another man entered the alley. George moved towards him, and was lost momentarily behind his truck.

"He will be back in the screen in a moment, with his partner. From what we've found, the partner is a long time member, but usually just does deliveries."

"Usually?" Alex asked. "Isn't this just a delivery?"

The guard shook his head, gesturing back towards the screen.

George was back in the centre, dragging the unknown man towards the truck.

"Who is he?" Alex asked.

"Low level scum. He deals in stolen goods."

As Alex went to ask for more information, George suddenly punch the man to the ground. As the man struggled to get up, George kicked him in the ribs. As the man cowered on the ground, Alex asked, "why beat up their customers?"

George disappeared again, as his partner stood watch.

"Word on the street is, sir, that this man," the guard gestured to the man huddling on the screen, "was seen giving information to the police. No evidence of it yet though."

George returned on the screen. He could be seen asking the man questions, as the man begged on his knees. George's partner stood back, lighting a cigarette.

The questioning got more heated, as George again punched th man. With blood streaming down his cheek, his pleading could be seen clearly on the camera.

George turned away for a moment, before grabbing the man's hand and placing them on the truck. The man squirmed, but he was held steady. Out of nowhere, George swung a hammer he had stashed, smashing down onto the man's hand.

Alex cringed at the man's face, pain clearly evident. "He's not just a delivery boy, is he?"

The guard again shook his head. "It gets worse, sir."

They both looked back at the monitor, as George swung the hammer a second time. His partner dropped the cigarette and began arguing with him. George waved him off, as he took another swing.

His partner shook his head, then tried to pull George away. George shrugged him off and took a final swing down, breaking the man's wrist to add to his mangled fingers.

"Shit," Alex exhaled. "What the hell did you just show me?"

The guard moved away from the monitor. "From all accounts, he is just a low-level delivery boy. I don't know if anyone sanctioned this beating."

Alex rubbed his temples. "I don't think Emilia has any idea what she's gotten herself into."

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