Chapter 10

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"Two guys? Really Emmie?" Cara teased.

"I didn't mean it," Emmie said defeatedly.

"Like save some for the rest of us!" Cara cried.

Emilia turned to look at her friend. "What happened to Paul? Or was it Pete?"

"Pfft. He wasn't anything special. Why do you think I've spent so many nights here? I'm back!" Cara opened her arms wide.

Emilia just shook her head. "Be serious Cara. I need your advice."

Cara suddenly put on a serious pout. "How may I help you, kind sir?" She asked with a flourish and bow.

"You're not helping!" Emilia cried out, exasperated.

"Ok ok. I'll help. Two guys. Which one to choose? That's easy. Who is better looking?" Cara asked.

"That's not really helpful," Emilia chided, pausing. A moment later she added, "they're both very good looking."

Cara got up to get a piece of paper. "Let's do a pros and cons list. The good and bad of both. I'll start."

Emilia looked down at the paper, where Cara had written in big letters under Alex's name 'Criminal Mastermind' and a giant red X.

"Well, yes. I guess that is a factor. But I don't think we know the real him," Emilia defended. "He's so kind and caring." Emilia stared out to space, dreamy eyed.

Cara just shook her head. "He's bad news, Emmie. George is the safe bet."

Just as Cara wrote 'super hot' under George's name, Emilia's phone vibrated.

"Hey, look Cara. It's from Alex. He's inviting me to dinner next weekend," Emilia paused. "And another one. Saying how much he enjoyed the other night. Oh, and one more. Saying how he hoped he didn't scare me off by saying how amazing he thinks I am."

Emilia fell onto the couch, clutching her phone with a giant grin on her face.

"This changes nothing, Emmie. He's still a criminal," Cara said, pointing her finger at Emilia.

"Yes. But he texted. George still hasn't messaged from the other day." Emilia paused. "Gosh. But they're both so nice!"


"Ah. Boss. Sorry to interrupt. But I've got to show you something," the guard said after knocking on the door.

"What is it? I'm very busy," Alex complained, checking his phone for any new messages.

"It's about that girl. Emilia. I saw her the other day," the guard began until Alex interrupted.

"And? Is she ok?" Alex suddenly seemed attentive.

"I assume so. I mean, I don't know. I was talking about when she came here." Alex slumped back in his chair, before saying, "continue."

"Well, it was the fella she was with." Alex jumped up.

"What? Who?"

The guard seemed concerned for his own safety. "I thought I'd seem him before. When he dropped her off, I couldn't quite place him. But I got his photo from the security team, and showed it to the others." The guard paused.

"Tell me. What did you discover?" Alex yelled.

"He's one of them, sir. One of Marlano's gang." The guard placed the photo of George from the other day on the table, and then added another photo.

"This is him coming and going into their headquarters," the guard explained.

Alex questioned: "But that doesn't mean he is part of the gang. He could just be visiting or getting product, couldn't he?

The guard shook his head. "Sorry, sir. He has been seen too often, as well as doing deliveries. He is one of Marlano's new recruits. And he dropped Emilia off."

"That doesn't mean she knows who he is. Or that they are even friends," Alex defended, checking his phone again for messages.

"Ah, sir. I think they do know each other. Pretty well," the guard paused before adding another photo to the pile.

"Get out!" Alex screamed, sliding all the photos onto the floor. The photo of Emilia kissing George landing on the top.


"He changed his mind," Emilia complained. She shook her head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Cara asked, coming to join Emilia on the couch.

"Look," Emilia commanded, holding up her phone.

Cara read the text out loud, "Sorry. Have to cancel plans. Bye."

Cara then asked, "what the heck does that mean? Why say bye? Who does he think he is?"

Emilia just stared forward. She held her phone close. Should she reply? Or what should she do?

"Well, you don't need him," Cara consoled. "I told you George was the better one. Alex is a criminal. We discussed this. Ignore this guy."

Emilia nodded, but she couldn't shake this feeling of loss.

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