~ prologue ~

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This is the TRIGGER WARNING for the WHOLE book. There are going to be mentions of blood, death, dead bodies, killing, torture, rape and sex.

The fire swirled in the wind, the scent of smoke floating through the night sky. It was cold. Fire or not, the air was chilly. I pull my blanket further up my body, my eyes never leaving the colorful flames. My friends sat all around me, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about. I was too busy thinking, per usual.

I was just that way, a thinker. I just felt more comfortable in my thoughts then talking to people. Human interaction just isn't my cup of tea. My friends had begged me to come out tonight. Which I get, I wasn't around much lately. I was naturally an introvert and after that one incident, I was almost positive I attracted trouble.

I just wasn't in the mood to 'hang out'.

I wasn't necessarily scared of everything, just commitment. My trust issues were one of my biggest issues. And that's saying a lot.The amount of hurt and betrayal in my life was at it's all time high and I was tired. But of course I came. Ronnie made me promise to be more social.

I shiver again but it was more from the feeling of being watched. Turning my head to the side, my braid falls over my shoulder. Seeing nothing I sigh, turning back to my friends.

Honestly, I had one best friend. Veronica Terri, who I call Ronnie. But of course, Ronnie was on vacation, leaving me with her crackhead friend group. Don't get me wrong, they're nice, just not my kind of people. Which I get, me and Ronnie our complete opposites, but I love her.

Mathew bumps his shoulder into mine, sending me a shy smile, "You okay Bella?" he asks, tilting his head to the side like a worried puppy. I nod, sending back a forced smile.

Practice makes perfect I guess.

He went to say something but was caught off guard by a shrill scream that travelled through the woods. We exchange a look, both assuming it was Jenna being herself. Always trying to scare us for a good laughing.

Standing up, I carefully fold my blanket before setting it on my folding chair. You would think, 'hey, we graduated college a year ago, we should stop acting like high schoolers!' but no. That'd be too easy wouldn't it?

I dramatically turn around, met with a dreaded sight. Mathew had his hands up in a 'I surrender' position. Thomas and Sabrina stood in silence, fear etched on every crevice of their pale faces. Jenna stood still, tears falling down her tanned skin, a gun against her head.

I look at all of my friends again, swallowing thickly, "Put the gun down." I spoke clearly, my classes on criminal psychology coming to the rescue. I hope. The person turns their attention to me, as if just noticing I was there, "Don't play hero and put your hands up!" the gruff voice proclaims. Slowly putting my hands up, I nod.

I'll just have to play his game, "Okay, okay," I breathe out, "What do you want? Tell me and I'll get it for you," I tell him, nodding my head as I did so.

"I said don't play hero!" he snaps, a twisted grin on his face. He then lifts the gun from Jenna's head, using it to motion at my outfit, "That's a really nice shirt, I'd hate to ruin it," he states, the threat clear.

Deciding to play his game, I lick my chapped lips, forcing one of my perfected smiles, "I don't mind, I think blood adds a bit of mystery to a situation," I drop my hands, piercing my lips, "An outfit."

He laughs darkly, "Is that so?" he asks, pressing the gun firmly against Jenna's head.

I nod, "But I do like this shirt, so you are going to have to tell me what you want,"

He shrugs carelessly, pouting his bottom lip "I don't want anything," he admits.

I chill runs down my spine, this wasn't going to end good, "Then why the hell are you holding a gun to my girlfriends head!" Mathew exclaims. Before anyone could respond, a shot rings out, Mathew's body falling to the ground.

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