Stupid - Shikamaru x Reader

Start from the beginning

I found the couch and sat, looking up at the ceiling, blankly thinking about (y/n). I didn't care to talk to anyone, this whole party thing is a drag. I only came for (y/n), and she's busy. I could love her if she wasn't busy.

Choji sat next to me. "watcha thinking about?"

"What do you think I'm thinking about?" I replied, my eyes firmly on the ceiling.

"Her, I would assume. You should talk to someone instead of just sitting. And, the food here is great,"

"Choji, you think all food is good,"

"That's true. Anyway, you should go talk to someone. I'm gonna go get more Cheez-Its," he left me, so I got up and glanced around. Now she was talking to some guy with white hair and green eyes. He's about my height, but scrawny. I huffed and made my way to them, and stood next to (y/n), who was now holding a cup.

"Hey Shika," she smiled at me and placed her hand on my arm. "Having a good time?"

"Uhh... Sorta," I replied. "What's you're name?" I asked the guy she was talking to, trying to stay calm. He was handsome, in Ino's view. She was practically drooling from across the room.

"I'm Saburo, you?" I instantly got a bad feeling about him.

"Shikamaru," I glared at him, trying to figure out his game. Why does he need to talk to my (y/n).

"It's nice to meet you, Shikamaru," yeah, sure. So nice.

"How do you know (y/n)?" I pressed, and grabbed her waist. She tilted her head and moved my hand a little lower. Saburo didn't seem to notice.

"Ah, I'm an old family friend. I'm not usually in town. My dad came in for business. I'm just glad I get to see (y/n). It's been such a long time," he laughed.

(Y/n) giggled. He made her giggle instead of me. "It really has been," she sighed.

"Hey, (y/n), can we step outside? I wanna talk to you about something," Saburo questioned, offering to walk her out the back door.

"Sure. Shika, can you hold my drink?" I nodded, and took her cup. She left my hold, and followed him outside. I can't believe she followed him. She should have stayed in here, with me. I don't trust Saburo. He seems sketchy.

A few minutes passed, I patiently waited as long as I could. But I had to see what they were talking about. I silently found them sitting on a bench in her backyard. Saburo was holding her hands in his. Gross. I want to hold her hands.

She's got other offers, huh? Really? I was hiding around the corner of her house, watching them talk. Listening to them, her cup safely in hand.

"We, as in me and my dad were wondering if you wanted to come live with us for a while. I hear your past few weeks here have been hard for you. Maybe you wanted to get away for a while?"

My heart shattered. He was right, I know she's been bothered by something. But why does he know and not me? I thought we were close.

What exciting news. She's gonna disappear and I'm never going to get the chance. I walked away and back inside, deciding to not listen to the rest of that conversation. What does that say about her? She's running away from whatever this his.

She came back in about ten minutes later, and sat on the couch next to me, tears in her eyes."Hey Shika," she sniffled, taking her cup.

"What's wrong?" Like I don't know. Tell me this time.

"I might leave," I stayed quiet, looking at her. "I don't know yet," she huffed, putting both of her arms around one of mine and leaned on my shoulder.

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