Chapter 1

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     Adrien's POV

     It was two weeks later and my father, Natalie, my bodyguard, and I were checking our bags at the airport. "I'll be right back," I told my father. I rushed off to the men's bathrooms. After locking myself into a stall, Plagg flew out of my shirt.

     "What is it now?" he asked. "Snack time?"

     I rolled my eyes and said, "No. This is my last chance to contact Ladybug and I need to try. Plagg, claws out." He disappeared into the silver ring on my finger and I stretched my body as a green glow enveloped me. It felt good when I was Cat Noir. Like anything was possible. I pulled my stick out and slid it open, dialing for Ladybug. "Come on, please answer," I whispered. Thirty seconds later, and the dialing stopped. A beep followed and Cat Noir said, "Ladybug, I have to leave the country; there's no way around it. I'll be back in three days. Just don't replace your purrrfect partner while I'm gone. I'll miss you Bugaboo."

     Soon, we were boarding the plane bound for Hong Kong. My stomach was tied up in knots and I thought I was going to throw up any second. Even seeing my classmates farther down the rows didn't cheer me up. If an akuma was released while Cat Noir was gone, it could mean the end of the world. Ladybug would just have to recruit another superhero. Hopefully, it wasn't another cat. No, there was only one kitty in her life, even if she didn't want to admit it. I smiled at the thought.

     Sitting down in the first-class section, we fastened our seatbelts and waited for the plane to take off. As I gazed out the window at the bustle of the ground team, I heard my father whispering to Natalie in the seats in front of me. Being careful not to wake up my sleeping bodyguard, I put my ear to the crack between the seat, listening.

     "Everything has been prepared exactly as you requested," Natalie said.

     "Good. This plan will not fail. I'll finally be able to follow through without those pesky teenagers getting in the way," my father answered. He was looking at some drawings on his tablet, but I could see enough of it to make out what they were. Oh well, they were probably just some more fashion designs.

     Finally, we took off into the sky. It felt a lot like when I fly with my stick. Oh no, I shouldn't have thought about Cat Noir. I think I'm finally going to be sick. "Excuse me," I told my bodyguard as I climbed over his legs and into the aisle. I don't know how he crammed his gorilla-sized body into the seat. The poor guy, it was a long trip. I stepped over to the bathroom, waiting for the door to open as it was occupied.

     A moment later, Marinette emerged, "Oh, Adrien!" She looked a little green in the face.

     "Are you feeling all right?" I wished my voice didn't sound as shaky as I felt.

     "Yes, just...allergies! Yeah. You can trigger allergies in the air you know. There's nothing strange about that."

     "Um, sure. Would I be able to just squeeze past you? Thank you." I closed the lavatory door and immediately threw up into the toilet.

     "You don't look so good," Plagg said, flying out of the inside pocket of my shirt.

     "I don't feel good. Do you know what Ladybug would say if she knew I was ditching her for Hong Kong? I left her a ton of voicemails, but she never picked up her yo-yo. What if she hates me and then we can never be together? What if all of France gets akumatized, and then the rest of Europe, and then the world? What if—?"

     "Hold on," Plagg said, holding his paws up. "You don't know that any of that will happen. And Ladybug will never hate you. She may find a new kitty and fall in love with him, but she will never hate you." As Adrien threw up again, Plagg mumbled, "Sheesh, can't a guy take a pep talk?"

For All The WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora