how to tell if real life is actually a dream

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first, don't even think about pinching yourself. this will only aid your mind in creating more pain to haunt your mind with [it will also add to the list of things you will need to come to terms with]. what you need to do, instead, is count all the ways you're feeling current pain.

[one, the image of you in front of me. two, the way the blue in your eyes looked too bright - a sign that you'd been crying.
and three, the hole you were stepping closer and closer to].

next, focus on the severity of the pain you're feeling, are you numb? does the way her foot grazes over the gaping hole at her heels cause a dropping stutter in your heart? or are you simply experiencing pain as if you knew you should be feeling it [but you're not quite sure you are]?

if that is the case, then you have one more step to confirming or denying reality - look up to the sky, is there deities dancing in the clouds, with her? if there is then you can confirm you are dreaming, because if gods were real there's no chance they'd be happy [they would be tyrannical and cruel, waging wars, and slaughtering mortals].

after confirming the status of your being, next is to focus on the contents of your dream.
option a) do those gods have crooked smiles on their faces? does it leave a cruel twisting in your stomach?
option b) do those gods have a twinkle in their eyes that warms your heart?

if option a) read next instructions,
if b) skip to instructions two.

a) instructions:
locate your closest exit point,
be careful they /will/ try stopping you
[if you're not cautious,
you won't ever wake up,
nightmares don't work the same here
as they work in your world]
act with the upmost haste,
your time is limited,
and so is hers
[exit points will be tricky to place,
look for dangerous points of entry,
they'll try luring you into false security]
as soon as you're within arms reach
run as fast as you can
hope for survival.

b) instructions:
you are safe here,
calmly resume dreaming,
wake up when you're ready.

[good luck and happy dreaming]

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