to burn the sky

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you set a match to the sky,
and dropped,
as you watched it burn to flames.
soaring - falling - through the air,
fire licking the ends of your fingertips
scorching the backs of your knees
hot tears steamed a river from your lids,
not enough to drown the inferno below.

is this what it feels like
to have hurt someone so deeply
and not be able to do
a damn thing about it?
watching as they tear themselves apart
right in front of you?

these are the questions
i would've loved for you
to have asked yourself
as you swiped the match
against my heart
and set my world aflame.
but alas, you wouldn't care
for such meaningless whims,
for you will never know
quite what it's like
to have a match
drawn to the ends of your toes,
engulfing your body to smithereens.

and as much as i'd like to say
i wish my very fate onto you,
so that maybe you could somehow
feel a little inkling of empathy
for someone that wasn't yourself,
i couldn't possibly wish this fate
onto anyone.
because i loved you far too much
to wish you any pain
- even now - as you sit there,
floating in the sky,
burning up the heavens,
lighting up the stars,
living my our - my - wildest dreams.

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