love like fields of daisies

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your smile could be so bright, rain splattering and dripping off of the curves of your face, neon signs flashing outside bars and restaurants glowing in the irises of your brown eyes, your calloused hand gripping my own [what i would give to see your smile light up like that, to see those eyes glow neon red and spike with exhilaration rather than just adoration and love]. we could be so good for each other: racing home down alleys, soaked to the bone in cold rain as the moonlight shown lightly on your face [a stark contrast to the harsh white of our wide smiles], then showering at the bottom of your tub, delicate touches massaging shampoo into each other's hair [a stark contrast to the frantic pulling at each other's hands to avoid watchful eyes at the back of a bar].

you love like fields of daisies and delicate bouts of wind, like deep calming breaths and the buzzing of bees, you love like a flower - a flower who never strays too far from home.

i'd like to think that if i told you i'm not the same kind of flower as you [that my roots got upturned and tossed aside] that we could start to love like i've always wanted [frantic breaths and crazed smiles high on adrenaline], but no amount of love from me could ever turn you from your comfortable little cove, two feet planted firmly beneath the ground.

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