Chapter IX

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After deducing the location of the Storm Hawks, Grand Admiral Thrawn had assembled his attack fleet and began making it's way to Terra Neverlandis while Darod took a squadron and went ahead to scout out the Terra. Meanwhile, the Storm Hawks were formulating a plan for a counterattack against Thrawn.

Aerrow: We're going to need to be careful on this, guys. If Thrawn is half as dangerous as Starling said, then we can't take this lightly.

Piper: And if Count Ulric is involved, then we need to be extra careful.

Stork: So we're doomed?

Aerrow: No. We'll just need to be more careful. If we can beat Master Cyclonis, then we can beat Thrawn. 

As Aerrow said that, the Storm Hawks heard a strange silence followed by a low but loud hum. The silence was soon broken by the shots being fire. Stork looked outside the fort and saw the Chimera along with several Cyclonian Warships. 

Stork: As I said, we're doomed....

Suddenly, Darod and a group of Talon Defenders burst through the fort and readied their weapons. 

Darod: Attack! 

The Storm Hawks were barely able to ready their weapons as Darod and the Talon Defenders attacked them. Darod immediately went for Aerrow as he was the most credible threat in the group.

Darod: You were the one who bested Cyclonis in battle? I've heard stories about you. 

Aerrow: I don't plan on disappointing!

Aerrow swung his Twin Energy Blades at Darod, but the Raptor was able to dodge and parry his attacks. Darod was able to break through Aerrow's defense easily. 

Darod: I was trained in combat by Repton himself. You have skills, but you lack resolve.

Aerrow got up and continued to duel Darod. Meanwhile, the rest of the Storm Hawks fought against the Talon Defenders with limited success. Their tactical training proved difficult for the Storm Hawks to deal with. 

Finn: Damn these guys are good!

Piper: Stork! We need to get the Condor moving! 

Stork: I would, but we're not exactly in the best position to do so!

Piper: We'll cover you!

Piper along with Finn and Junko fought the Talon Defenders while Stork ran for the Condor. Meanwhile, Aerrow continued to struggle against Darod. During the duel, Radarr scurried around the battlefield and grabbed a pebble. He then tosses it at Darod's head, causing him minor pain. Darod then turned his attention to Radarr. Seeing an opportunity, Aerrow goes in for an attack and knocks Darod off his feet. Soon enough, the Fort on Terra Neverlandis begins to get bombarded by the Cyclonian Fleet.

Junko: That's not good! 

Piper: We need to get out of here!

Finn: You think?! 

Aerrow looked outside the Fort and saw reinforcements making their way towards the Fort. Darod and the rest of the Talon Defenders were starting to recover. Aerrow quickly saw that they couldn't win this battle. 

Aerrow: Storm Hawks! Fall back to the Condor!

With that, the Storm Hawks fled the Fort and made their way to the Condor. Darod and the Talon Defenders began chasing them. Meanwhile on the Chimera, Thrawn and Count Ulric joined the Talon reinforcements as they entered the Fort. Thrawn looked upon the architecture of the Fort with interest.

Thrawn: Fascinating....

As the Storm Hawks got near the Condor, Stork started up the Condor and began to take off. The Storm Hawks were able to jump onto the loading ramp one by one. As the Condor began to take off, Thrawn and Count Ulric reached the area. The Talon Defenders began firing on the Condor while the Chimera fired their forward guns at the Condor. During the attack, Piper fell out of the Condor and into the ground next to the Talon Defenders. Seeing this horrified Aerrow.

Aerrow: PIPER! Stork! Land the Condor!

Stork: I can't! The Condor's taking too much damage! We need to get out of here!

Aerrow: I'm going in!

Before Aerrow could jump down to help Piper, Finn and Junko restrained him!

Finn: We need you, Aerrow! Piper wouldn't want you to get yourself captured! You said it yourself that we needed to be careful! 

Aerrow looked down on the ground as Talon Defenders restrained Piper. Left with no other choice, Aerrow was forced to leave Piper behind as the Condor flew away from Terra Neverlandis. Thrawn watched this with fascination as he turned to Count Ulric and Darod.

Thrawn: Hold your fire.

Count Ulric: For what reason? We have the upper hand.

Thrawn: That is correct, but there is a possibility that we'll waste precious resources in chasing after the Condor. The Condor's speed is impeccable despite it's size. A great tactician creates plans. A good tactician recognizes the soundness of a plan presented on him. A fair tactician must see the plan succeed before offering approval. Those with no tactical ability at all may never understand or accept it. Nor will such people understand or accept the tactician. To those without that ability, those who possess it are a mystery. And when a mind is too deficient in understanding, the resulting gap is often filled with resentment. The Storm Hawks may have eluded us, but we now have an invaluable asset.

Thrawn then turns his gaze over to Piper. Piper remained defiant as she simply glared at him. Thrawn simply smiled. 

Thrawn: A pleasure to finally meet you in person, Piper. We have much to discuss. Bring her to the Chimera.

In that moment, Piper had become a prisoner of Grand Admiral Thrawn. As Piper was taken prisoner, the Storm Hawks were forced to retreat and live to fight another day.

Storm Hawks: Hand Of ThrawnWhere stories live. Discover now