Chapter VII

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Months have passed since the Storm Hawks defeated Master Cyclonis and sent her retreating to the Far Side. The Storm Hawks followed her and attempted to track her down to no avail. Their hunt was interrupted by a mysterious transmission coming from Atmos.

Transmission: The death catastrophic.....we must.......

The transmission was cut off. Upon hearing the transmission, the Storm Hawks became concerned.

Piper: Death toll? How could Master Cyclonis already returned?

Finn: Could be someone else.

Aerrow: Looks like our search for Cyclonis is going to have to wait. Stork. Turn the Condor around.

Stork: I got a bad feeling about this....

Stork then turned the Condor around and made the journey to the doorway between the Far Side and Atmos. Piper used her Crystal sorcery to open the portal. As the Condor crossed the portal, the Storm Hawks were back in Atmos.

Aerrow: Piper. Try to contact someone.

Piper attempts to contact someone, but only gets static.

Finn: Looks like no one's answering.

Junko: What's going on? Why isn't anyone answering?

Aerrow became deeply concerned with this. It was clear to him that something was out of place. Suddenly, the Condor was attacked.

Finn: What the hell was that?!

Stork looked out from the window and saw Talons riding advanced Skimmers.

Piper: Talons?! But the Cyclonian Empire was defeated!

Aerrow: Looks like some people didn't get the message. Everyone on me!

Aerrow and the Storm Hawks got on their Skimmers while Stork piloted the Condor.

Talon Commando: Talon Defenders! Attack pattern alpha!

The Talon Defenders then launch a coordinated attack against the Storm Hawks. This caught them off guard as they were used to the Talons attempting to swarm them.

Finn: That's new! Since when did the Cyclonians change tactics!

Radarr then chirps frantically to Aerrow.

Aerrow: Don't worry, little buddy! They won't keep us down!

As the Storm Hawks fought against the Talon Defenders, a group of Talon Commandos got onto the Condor. Upon seeing the Talon Commandos, Stork immediately warns the Storm Hawks. The Storm Hawks then turned their attention to the Talon Commandos and intercepted them. Finn fired at them with his Energy Crossbow, but the Talon Commandos were able to dodge the attacks. 

Finn: That's not good!

Junko then activated his Knucklebusters and charged at them. Meanwhile, Aerrow and Piper were taking the fight to the Talon Commandos. They were in shock at how skilled they were. 

Piper: These guys aren't messing around! 

Aerrow was able to successfully take down one of the Talon Defender Skimmers. As the Skimmer was plummeting to the Wastelands, the Talon Commando activated a Crystal powered jetback and began firing on the two with a Crystal powered blaster rifle. 

Aerrow: What the....

Piper: Where did the Cyclonians get their hands on that kind of technology! 

As the Talon Defenders continued to press the attack on the Storm Hawks, the Commander of the squadron received a call on his comlink. He then turned to his men. 

Talon Defender Commander: Fall back! Fall back! 

As the Talons retreated, the Storm Hawks made their way to the Condor. 

Finn: What the hell were those guys?!

Aerrow: I don't know....we better reach Terra Neverlandis. We'll figure out what's going on there. 

With that, the Storm Hawks charted a course to the isolated Terra Neverlandis. Meanwhile on a mountain overlooking the battle, a Raptor studied the Condor. He then contacted Thrawn via holocommunicator. 

Thrawn(Holocommunicator): Darod. 

Darod: Grand Admiral. The Talon Commandos have intercepted the vessel. It's them. It's the Storm Hawks. 

Upon hearing this, Thrawn grew intrigued. 

Thrawn(Holocommunicator): Is that so?

Darod: Yes. 

Thrawn took a moment to process this. He had long expected them to return. Now that the Storm Hawks were back in Atmos, Thrawn simply smiled. 

Thrawn(Holocommunicator): You have done well, Darod. Return to the Chimera at once. We have much to discuss. 

Darod: Should I go after the Storm Hawks? I could easily track them.

Thrawn(Holocommunicator): Not yet. It is clear that the Storm Hawks have entered into a completely different world than the one they left. We will use that to our advantage. As I said, return to the Chimera. 

Darod: At once.

Darod then ended the communications between himself and Thrawn. He then boards his Skimmer and makes his way to the Chimera. Meanwhile on the bridge of the Chimera, Thrawn reflects on the return of the Storm Hawks. As he does, Count Ulric approaches the Chiss Grand Admiral. 

Count Ulric: I have just received word that our forces have begun the siege on Terra Atmosia. The Sky Knights there are putting up a valiant fight, but it won't be long before the Terra falls. 

As Count Ulric updates him on the war effort, Thrawn was silent. After a moment of silence, Thrawn turns to the Cyclonian Count. 

Thrawn: The Storm Hawks have returned. 

Upon hearing this, Ulric was caught off guard. Despite this, Ulric kept his composure. 

Count Ulric: Are you certain?

Thrawn: Yes. Darod has spotted them exiting some kind of portal. He is on his way to the Chimera to report his findings. We will move from there. 

Count Ulric: Agreed. 

In that moment, Thrawn now begins laying the groundwork for his war against the Storm Hawks. He knew that they would put up an intense fight. In this war, Thrawn would not leave anything to chance. He would use the knowledge he learned about the Storm Hawks and use them to it's fullest capabilities. 

Storm Hawks: Hand Of Thrawnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें