Chapter XVII

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As Thrawn began his invasion of Terra Nord, the Sky Knights formed a trench in front of the main base while the Storm Hawks led a large squadron of Skimmers to attack the Cyclonian Walkers. Aerrow led the charge as the walkers began firing on them.

Aerrow: Let's get these guys!

The Sky Knight Skimmers soon began launching several attack runs on the walkers. Meanwhile, Count Ulric was coordinating the attack from his personalized walker.

Count Ulric: All Talon Walkers fire on the shield generator.

The walkers began firing on the Sky Knight trenches. Meanwhile, the attack runs on the Skimmers do no damage on the walkers.

Aerrow: That armor's too thick for blaster fire! Use your tow cables to bring them down! It's our only shot at stopping these things!

Aerrow and Piper then began an attack run on one of the walkers. They begin to wrap the tow cables around the walker's legs. Once they do so, the walker topples to the ground.

Aerrow: Stork! Start a bombing run on that downed walker!

Stork then pilots the Condor to the downed walker and bombs it to smithereens. As the battle drags on, the Cyclonian Walkers shoot down many of the Sky Knight Skimmers while advancing closer to the shield generator. The Sky Knights stationed at the trenches fire on the walkers in an attempt to slow them down, but the walkers continue to advance. In his walker, Count Ulric contacts Thrawn via holoterminal.

Count Ulric: Grand Admiral, I've reached the power generator. The shield will be down in moments. You may start your landing.

On the Chimera, Thrawn watches the battle unfold from the bridge of the Chimera. He watched as the Storm Hawks led the charge against the Cyclonian Walkers. He then turns to a Talon Ensign.

Thrawn: Ensign, deploy all available ground and air garrisons. I want the Sky Knight leaders taken alive.

The Talon Ensign follows Thrawn's orders to the letter. Meanwhile, Count Ulric and the Cyclonian Walkers begin firing on the shield generator. The walkers unleashed a volley of blaster shots which destroys the shield generator. It wasn't long before Talon Commandos were being deployed to swarm the trenches. Squadrons of Talon Defenders were deployed to shoot down the remaining Sky Knight Skimmers. 

Piper: We're being overrun!

Aerrow quickly realized that he was outnumbered. Thrawn's forces had overrun the Sky Knight defenders. The Talon Commandos quickly overran the trenches. The battle was lost. Aerrow looked to the sky and saw the Chimera looming above them. He knew Thrawn was up there. At this point, Aerrow came up with a plan. 

Aerrow: We need to get back to the Condor, now!

Piper: What about the battle?

Aerrow: Don't worry, I got a plan. 

With that, the Storm Hawks made their way back to the Condor and began flying towards the Chimera. On the bridge of the Chimera, Thrawn watches the battle with satisfaction. Soon enough, he is contacted by Count Ulric via the Chimera's holoterminal. 

Count Ulric(Holoprojection): Grand Admiral. I've just received word that forces have broken through their lines and have captured the Sky Knight leaders. Aerys is among them. 

Thrawn: Very good, Count. Bring them to the Chimera at once. 

As the transmission ended, the Chimera is attacked by the Condor. As the Condor came into view, Thrawn was prepared. 

Thrawn: Focus the Chimera's guns on the Condor. 

As Thrawn made his orders clear, the Chimera began firing on the Condor. Despite the Condor's size, the Chimera was unable to land it's shots. Despite this, Thrawn remained calm and collected. Ever since he learned about the Storm Hawks, he studied them closely to grasp their tactics. Through the art of the cultures that tied them together, Thrawn learned their tactics and strategies. 

Thrawn: Press the attack and grant them no rest. Wait for the opportunity and then capitalize on it. 

Thrawn watched closely as the Condor continued attacking the Chimera. The Condor began a bombing run which did minimal damage. At one point, the Condor landed several shots at the bridge, but did no serious damage. 

Thrawn: I see what they're doing. They're trying to weaken the Chimera's defenses until they see the opportunity. Clever. 

Thrawn couldn't help but admire the resolve of the Storm Hawks. Despite being enemies, the Storm Hawks proved to be worthy opponents for the Grand Admiral. However, the Storm Hawks were still his enemies and he had an obligation to defeat them. Eventually, the Condor is soon shot down by the Chimera's guns. Thrawn watches as the Condor plummets to the snowy landscape of Terra Nord. A silence fell on the bridge of the Chimera. The silence was broken by loud cheering. However, Thrawn was not cheering as he approached a Talon Officer. 

Thrawn: Deploy Darod and his Raptors to search the Condor to confirm the deaths of the Storm Hawks. 

Talon Officer: Is that necessary, Grand Admiral? No one could've survived that crash!

Thrawn: Do not question my orders, officer. The Storm Hawks have been known to make the impossible possible. I want nothing left to chance. 

With that, the Talon Officer followed Thrawn's orders and deployed Darod and the Raptors to search the wreckage of the Condor for the bodies of the Storm Hawks. In that moment, Thrawn achieved glorious victory. The last remnants of the Sky Knight Resistance has been rounded up. It seemed as if the Sky Knights have been defeated. But all was not as it seems.

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