Chapter IV

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In the weeks following Master Cyclonis's defeat, Ravess and Snipe had returned from their exile to claim the Cyclonian throne. What followed was a bloody civil war between Ravess and Snipe for power. As the two opposing factions fought each other, Thrawn's fleet had reached Terra Cyclonia. On the Chimera warship, Thrawn and Count Ulric observed the chaos that had engulfed the Cyclonian Palace.

Count Ulric: I should've executed those fools when I had the chance.

Thrawn: You will have your chance at retribution soon enough. It would appear that the Sky Knights haven't capitalized on the chaos.

Count Ulric: They're counting on Ravess and Snipe destroying Cyclonia with their civil war.

Thrawn: A tactically sound strategy with one fatal flaw. Oversight. We will exploit this oversight and capitalize on it to it's full capabilities. Begin landing the ground troops. 

Soon enough, Thrawn's forces led the around assault against the factions of both Ravess and Snipe. Thrawn and Count Ulric personally led the ground assault. The opposing factions were helpless against the tactical genius of Thrawn. Meanwhile in the Cyclonian throne room, Ravess and Snipe clashed with their forces in a desperate effort to destroy the other. Ravess fired her energy bow and arrow, but Snipe blocks them with his mace. 

Snipe: You think arrows are gonna do anything, sister?!

Ravess: You always were an idiot, brother!

Snipe: Why do you even bother?! The throne is mine!

Ravess: I beg to differ!

As Ravess and Snipe clashed, Thrawn and his troops burst into the throne room and proceeded to both in the combined forces of Ravess and Snipe. 

Ravess: What the hell?!

Thrawn: That was disappointing. I expected more out of you. 

Count Ulric: You placed high expectations for incompetent fools. 

Upon seeing both Thrawn and Count Ulric, the former lieutenants of Cyclonia offered no sign of respect. 

Snipe: So the alien freak has returned. I thought you and the old man were dead on the Far Side. 

Thrawn: On the contrary, the Far Side proved to be an enlightening experience. As you can see, my troops have benefited from the Far Side's resources. 

Thrawn's Talons had been equipped with advanced Crystal power armor as well as blaster rifles powered by Crystals. 

Ravess: Why are you two here?

Count Ulric: We are aware of Master Cyclonis's defeat. We have come here to restore order to the Cyclonian Empire. 

Thrawn: I suspected you two would use her defeat as an opportunity to claim the throne. An opportunity that you have squandered with this petty civil war. 

Count Ulric: It was not surprising to see this rather pathetic display. Your attempts of a military coup are laughable. 

Upon hearing this, both Ravess and Snipe were angered by it. Snipe was the first to voice his anger. 

Snipe: Bold words, old man! You are nothing more than an old man who clings to outdated ideas! And now here you are working with an alien freak!

Thrawn was not amused by Snipe's xenophobic comments. Though he didn't allow that to bother him in the slightest.

Thrawn: Against my better judgement, I am offering you two a chance to fight by my side. Work with me to restore the Cyclonian Empire and all transgressions will be forgiven. 

Ravess: You think we'll go back to being servants of an insolent child?! 

Count Ulric: I'd chose my next words carefully if I were you. If it were up to me, you would both be shot immediately. The Grand Admiral is offering you two amnesty. It is more than you deserve. I suggest you accept. 

Ravess and Snipe made their disdain of both Thrawn and Ulric known. They refused to be relegated back to what they were before under Master Cyclonis. 

Ravess: I will not go back to what I was before! I will not serve anyone but myself!

Ravess and Snipe then barked orders at their troops to attack Thrawn and his troops. But upon looking at the advanced weapons and armor that they had, fear got the better of them as they dropped their weapons and surrendered. 

Ravess: What are you doing?! I gave you all an order!

Snipe: Cowards! All of you!

Thrawn: It would seem that your troops understand reason. They know that fighting for you would be suicide. It would be wise to accept my offer. 

Ravess and Snipe maintained their defiance by silence. Thrawn showed no emotion in his face as he turned to the Count. 

Thrawn: I believe the honor should be yours. 

Thrawn then hands Count Ulric his personal blaster pistol. As the Count grabs the pistol, he turns to Ravess and Snipe. 

Count Ulric: Ravess and Snipe. You have both been charged for treason and sedition against the Cyclonian Empire. By the powers granted to me by Master Cyclonis, rightful Empress and sovereign of the Cyclonian Empire, I sentenced you both to death. 

Without hesitation, Count Ulric executes both Ravess and Snipe by shooting them in the head with Thrawn's blaster pistol. He then walks over to Thrawn and gives him back his pistol. Thrawn then turns to the remnants of Ravess and Snipe's forces. 

Thrawn: Your treasonous leaders are dead. The same fate will befall those who take up arms against the Cyclonian Empire. Now I present the choice to you all. Will you join rejoin the Cyclonian Empire or will you follow your commanders in death?

Without hesitation, the Talons accepted Thrawn's amnesty and rejoined the Cyclonian Empire. With the civil war ended and the Cyclonian Empire restored, Thrawn and Count Ulric now made their plans to wage war against the Sky Knights. 

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