Chapter XXII

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As Thrawn made his retreat, Aerrow and Piper chased after him. They soon caught up with Thrawn at the bridge of the Chimera. As Aerrow and Piper seemed to corner him, Thrawn remained calm and collected. 

Thrawn: You are a tenacious as you are relentless. I must commend you on this. 

Aerrow: It's over, Thrawn. We've got you beat. 

Thrawn: Is that right? Hhm.

As Aerrow and Piper got into their combat stances, Thrawn began laying out his strategy to take them down. His primary concern was not to defeat them, but to provide an opportunity for him to escape the Chimera so that he may leave Atmos and return to the Chiss Ascendency for his reassignment. At the same time, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to face the Storm Hawks. 

Piper: What's the matter, Thrawn? Afraid?

Thrawn: Not at all. In fact, I am most interested to see what your plan is. 

Aerrow and Piper didn't move on Thrawn. This caught Thrawn's attention. Aerrow glanced over to the vent above Thrawn. Inside the vent was Radarr. Aerrow nods at Radarr. 

Thrawn: What are you planning, Aerrow?

Aerrow: You're about to find out. 

As Aerrow said this, the Chimera began to rumble. Explosions soon rocked the Chimera. 

Talon Ensign: Grand Admiral, we're getting explosions all over the Chimera! All essential systems are failing! We're losing altitude!

In that moment, Thrawn realized what was going on. All the Storm Hawks had been accounted for with the exception of Radarr. 

Thrawn: So you sent your little friend to sabotage the Chimera's essential systems. Very clever. 

In that moment, the Chimera had been sabotaged. Meanwhile, Junko continued his fight against Darod. During the course of the fight, Junko found himself unable to best the Raptor. 

Darod: Your strength is fading, Wallop. This fight will end soon. 

Junko refused to give up as Darod prepared to attack again. Suddenly, the explosions cause by Radarr tears a hole in the corridor. The intense wind gust nearly knocked them down. During the chaos, Junko gained the upper hand on Darod. Using his Knucklebusters, Junko begins attacking Darod with power strikes. Soon enough, Darod is down on his knees. 

Junko: It's over, Darod!

Darod: Then finish it, Wallop. Finish me off. 

Junko: I'm not killing you!

Darod: Then you will die! 

Darod lunged at Junko and tackles him to the ground. As Darod begins to strangle him, Junko grabs Darod and tosses him out the Chimera. Junko watched as Darod plummeted to the Wastelands. After defeating Darod, Junko began navigating the corridors of the Chimera to reach Finn and Stork. Meanwhile, the explosions had saved Finn and Stork from being captured. The explosions destroyed the controls to the cells, deactivating them. In the chaos, Finn and Stork took the fight to Count Ulric and the Talon Commandos. 

Finn: You all better get out of here if you want out!

Taking the opportunity of the chaos, the Sky Knight leaders ran out of the detention facility and began making their way to the Chimera's hangers to find a ship. As Finn shot the Talon Commandos, Count Ulric took a moment to assess the situation. 

Count Ulric: So this act of sabotage was your doing? 

Finn: Who else but us, gramps?!

Count Ulric: I grow tired of these games. You have been a thorn in my side for far too long. 

Finn: How do you think we feel, grandpa?!

Finn fired his Energy Crossbow at the Cyclonian Count, but Ulric slices the Crossbow in half with his Crystal Sword. 

Finn: Crap! Not again!

As Count Ulric pressed the attack on Finn, Stork jumps on his back and attempts to put him in a chokehold, but Ulric was able to break free. 

Finn: This guy moves fast for an old man!

Count Ulric: I believe it's time I ended this. 

As Count Ulric moved to finish Finn and Stork off, Junko barged into the room and tackled Count Ulric. Count Ulric attempts to attack Junko with his sword, but Junko knocks the sword out of his hand. 

Junko: You're done, Count!

Junko then brawled the Cyclonian Count. Despite his age, Count Ulric was able to hold his own against Junko. During the brawl, an explosion occurs in the detention center. The explosion knocks both Junko and Ulric to the ground. Before Count Ulric could get up, debris falls on him, trapping him. As Count Ulric was incapacitated, Finn and Stork meet up with Junko. 

Finn: Man am I glad to see you! 

Junko: Me too, Finn!

Finn: So what happened to Darod?

Junko: He took a long fall! 

Stork: I hate to interrupt this heartwarming reunion, but we are currently inside an exploding ship that's more than likely heading towards the Wastelands!

Finn: We should make sure Starling and the others find a ship. Then we'll go give Aerrow and Piper a hand!

With that, Finn, Junko and Stork exited the detention center to ensure the escape the Chimera. As they left, Count Ulric managed to escape from the debris. As the explosions continued to tear the Chimera apart, Count Ulric could see that if the situation wasn't contained, the Chimera would be destroyed. He attempts to contact Thrawn. 

Count Ulric: Grand Admiral Thrawn, can you hear me? Can you hear me?

Count Ulric heard nothing but static. He then decided that the best course of action was to regroup with Thrawn on the bridge of the Chimera where he was in the midst of battling against Aerrow and Piper. 

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