Chapter XXIII

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As the Chimera careens to the Wastelands, Aerrow and Piper cornered the Chiss Grand Admiral. They attempt to get Thrawn to surrender.

Aerrow: It's over, Thrawn. Your warship is going down and you've got nowhere to run.

Thrawn knew that he was short on time. He calculated that he only had minutes before the Chimera plummets to the Wastelands and even less time before it completely explodes. 

Thrawn: Very well, Storm Hawks. I know when I am beaten. I am your prisoner. 

Thrawn puts his hands behind his back and gets on his knees. As Aerrow and Piper approach him, Thrawn presses a button on his wrist device. Once Aerrow and Piper got close enough, Thrawn sprang up and attacked them. Aerrow and Piper were forced to step back. 

Piper: Stop this, Thrawn! There's no way out! Surrender and we can help you escape!

Thrawn: Risk has always been an inescapable part of warfare. You of all people should know this. 

With that, Thrawn engaged Aerrow and Piper in an intense duel on the bridge of the Chimera. The crew operating the Chimera began to run for the escape pods. Thrawn once more proved to me more than a match for Aerrow and Piper. During the ensuing brawl, Thrawn stole one of Aerrow's Twin Energy Blades and began attacking him with it. Aerrow and Piper were soon put on the defensive as Thrawn pressed the attack. 

Piper: This is bad, Aerrow! We're getting nowhere in this fight! 

Aerrow: We need to think of something fast or we're going down with the ship!

Aerrow and Piper knew that they couldn't waste anymore time on this fight. They needed to take Thrawn down fast or they would die in the Chimera. 

Thrawn: A pity it had to end this way. Everything leading up to this point has been so artistically done. Now we find ourselves here. 

As Aerrow and Piper fought against Thrawn, Finn along with Junko and Stork fought their way to the sealed entrance to the hanger where Starling and the rest of the Sky Knights were trying to get in. 

Starling: The hanger door's sealed!

Junko: I got it!

Junko then uses his immense strength to force the door open. As Junko was barely able to open the door, they were ambushed by a squadron of Talon Commandos. Finn tackled one of the Commandos and took his rifle. 

Finn: Stork! Get that transport ship started! We'll be right behind you!

Stork ran inside the transport ship while Finn and Junko stayed behind to fend off the Talon Commandos. Junko used his Knucklebusters to aid Finn in taking them down.

Finn: And I thought Ravess and Snipe were a pain!

As the two Sky Knights held their ground, Stork started the transport ship. At the same time, the hanger began to collapse. 

Finn: That's our cue to get out of here!

Junko: What about Aerrow and Piper?! 

Finn: They got this! 

With that, Finn and Junko boarded the transport shuttle and departed from the Chimera's hanger just as it completely collapsed. Back at the bridge, Aerrow and Piper's fight with Thrawn reached a stalemate. With time running out, they needed to take Thrawn down fast. As all this happened, Thrawn remained calm and collected. 

Thrawn: History is on the move. Those who cannot keep up will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all. 

As Thrawn said this, three Talon Defender Skimmers crashed through the window of the bridge and began firing on Aerrow and Piper. 

Thrawn: Right on schedule. 

Thrawn got on one of the Skimmers and began to take off. As Thrawn began making his escape, Aerrow and Piper took down the Talon Commandos who stayed behind. Radarr soon rejoined Aerrow and Piper. 

Aerrow: Good timing, buddy! Let's get after Thrawn! We're not letting him get away!

Without wasting too much time, Aerrow and Radarr took control on one of the Talon Defender Skimmers while Piper got on the other one. They then took off after Thrawn. As soon as they left, a wounded Count Ulric made his way to the bridge. His wounds soon took their toll on the Cyclonian Count as the Chimera plunged to the Wastelands. In that moment, Count Ulric knew that death was imminent. He would not live to see the Cyclonian Empire be reborn. He would not live to serve Master Cyclonis once more. Despite this, Count Ulric had no regrets. He took the time to reflect on his decades of service in the Cyclonian Empire. As he did so, Count Ulric smiled, feeling that he had fulfilled a full life dedicated to a cause he truly believed in. 

Count Ulric: I have lived my life as best I could in dedication to the Cyclonian Empire. My only regret is that I cannot serve anymore. Such is life for an old solider.....

Count Ulric closed his eyes and embraced his face as the Chimera made the final plunge to the Wastelands. The Chimera was soon engulfed in a powerful explosion which would could be seen for miles. In that moment, the Chimera was no more. With the destruction of the Chimera as well as the death of Count Ulric, the reconstituted Cyclonian Empire was severely weakened. At the same time, Thrawn was now making his escape with Aerrow and Piper closing in on him. Despite these setbacks, Thrawn was still very much a dangerous enemy for the Storm Hawks. 

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