Six: Issues

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After the situation at Kyoya's resort I have a new found fear of ticking Honey-Senpai off. I just don't understand how someone so tiny and innocent can easily take down some of the most trained policemen.

Soon, things returned to normal, but once again, I found myself in yet another crazy vacation spot with the host club. Of course, it's not us, we also have our guests with us.

As usual, Kyoya successfully catered to, and robbed, some female guests. The twins continued their weird twincest (I DO NOT CONDONE) and Haruhi is being her usual charming self.

Honey and Mori-Senpai are searching for.. hellfish? I'm sure he meant shellfish. I shook my head and sat down on a rock that overlooked the ocean. There weren't any male guests around for whatever reason, so that left me with nothing to do.

Suddenly, I felt a presence beside me. I looked over to see the violet-eyed, charmer himself.

"Hey Tamaki, what's up??"

"You seemed lonely." He mumbled and he placed his hands flatly on the rock behind him. "Is it the lack of guests?"

I shrugged. "Maybe. I'm not used to alone time much anyways.. I mean.. I'm usually surrounded by boys so.." I trailed off.

Tamaki POV

"Maybe. I'm not used to alone time much anyways.. I mean.. I'm usually surrounded by boys so.."

Something about that sentence made me twitch. I get that she is considered the first female host, but have boys really surrounded her entirely?

I faked a smile. "Well of course.. someone.. as pretty as you is bound to get attention."

I sent a flirtatious wink her way. For the first time, she looked at me and blushed. I blinked as she shifted her body.

"Ah.. Y/n..?" I asked hesitantly. Before I knew it, her hands wrapped around mine. I hesitantly hugged back.

"That must have had quite the effect on you.." I whispered.

She only nodded her head. I frowned at that, I guess she usually doesn't get compliments.. how strange. She deserves them.

"Hey.. Y/n..?"


"I need to tell you something. After I walked you home.. Kaoru called me.. and he told me he liked y.."

I was interrupted by one of the twins. Judging by the voice it was Hikaru. "Hey boss! It's Haruhi!"

I hesitated. I didn't want to leave Y/n alone, but Haruhi wasn't in danger. I looked at them. Kaoru hummed.

"You go help Haruhi, boss. I'll stay here with Y/n-Senpai."

What kind of idiot does he take me for. Leave him? Alone with my precious Y/n?

Precious.. Y/n?

It hit me like a truck. I liked her..? Why do I care so much. I like her. I can't like her. I'm not allowed to like anyone.. I'm a host. I..

Suddenly, a blur of h/c flew by my face. I looked over to see Y/n running away.


Third Person POV

You ran over to the cliff where you saw Haruhi surrounded by a bunch of assholes. You sighed as you saw one of Hoeny-Senpai's buckets of shellfish.

With a small huff you threw the bucket and shellfish at them. They groaned as they were pinched and lightly attacked. Sure, it wasn't as harmful as stabbing or punching, but it bought you enough time to grab Haruhi and run.

However, as you ran with Haruhi off the ledge, your foot slipped and you fell off the side. The last thing you saw was Haruhi reaching her hand out to you.

Not long after you awoke in a bed, probably the bed from where you and the other hosts were staying. You groaned and were met with Kaoru.

"You're awake." He said with a soft smile. He sat up straight since he was hunched over.

"Kaoru.. what happened..?" You asked. He chuckeld and pointed to his head, signaling you to touch yours.

There were bandages covering you.

"You took a pretty nasty fall.." he said. "Though you managed to get those pricks to leave us." He chuckled.

You nodded and sat up. "It's late.." you mumbled.

Kaoru handed you a plate of crabs. "Here.. Haruhi was really going in with the crabs. I managed to save you some."

You thanked Kaoru and once you finished you turned to see him. He blushed a little and leant forward.

"Y/n-Senpai.." he mumbled. "I.." he started but he was cut off.

"Kaoru.. is Y/n awake? I need to speak with her. I already apologized to Haruhi."

Kaoru jumped and pulled away. "Yeah.. hey um..! I'm gonna go check on Hikaru.. haha.. you know him.."

Tamaki eyed you two and watched as the twin made his way out the room.

"So.. I guess you know.." Tamaki spoke up.

You nodded your head slowly. "He was.. going to kiss me huh?" You said.

Tamaki nodded. You opened your mouth to speak but were cut off by lips on yours. Your eyes widened as the Host Club King himself pulled away.

"I like you." He whispered.

End Note

I guess eight days is the update schedule huh? Anyways, we broke one hundred readers! Thank you to all who read and vote for my story, the long awaited confession is here, but we're not done yet! So don't you worry!

Love Interests [Tamaki Suoh x Reader] OFFICIALLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu