update :D

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hi hi!! its me again. its been about a year and a lot has happened. i graduated!! woohoo. i go by moths and all pronouns now too! enough of that though, lets address the elephant in the room.

initially, i was going to discontinue this story or rush the ending. howeverrr i rediscovered my love for writing and such creativities that i'm happy to announce a rewrite! i literally have a plan based on episodes. scrapped storylines. character changes. and once again its based on the show since i still havent read the manga yet. (will get to it)

there are many changes being made to the story. haruhi will be using she/they since translations and opinions tend to give me mixed reviews. so i did my best to find a middle ground. though "he" and "him" will be used when referring to host haruhi.

the user is still female. this is kinda the big deal about the story. and the readers main reason for joining the host club. so i apologize to any readers who may be uncomfortable with "she" and "her" being used in reference. however, as a fluid person i have to decline any requests because it would alter the storyline. i apologize once more.

there are other changes. haruhi's interest will be hikaru because i hate the trope of the reader and canon female lead fighting. kyoya does NOT have a thing for the reader anymore. it was initially played for shock value.

BIG changes. lobelia girls will be scrapped. as well as unimportant side characters. renge will be altered and added because she has a purpose for AT least 2 chapters. haruhi's dad will be referred to as a drag queen rather than the t-slur because thats self explanatory. and finally. i have scrapped episodes six, seven, eleven, twelve, thirteen, and sixteen through twenty-three. theyre less plot driven and i intend to ADD my OWN silly chapters for development. i hope you can agree to these changes as well as a story in the 15-20 chapter range. :)


while i would prefer a blank canvas to work off of, such as starting a new book. would you prefer the chapter rewrites or a whole new book? while reads HARDLY drive my will to write i do enjoy seeing your comments, votes, saves, etc. dont you think it would cause less confusion to start over given the changes? please let me know.

i'm in college so i cant guarantee an update every week. or on specific dates, but i will do everything in my power to deliver quality content at LEAST every month.

thank you for continually reading and supporting this otherwise dead story. depending on how quickly i receive feedback on editing or completely rewriting directly impacts how quick the new book is published. i will update here once more if we choose to republish a new story. that way you have a reminder :p

thank you all for reading Love Interests. <3


Love Interests [Tamaki Suoh x Reader] OFFICIALLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora