Episode One

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When walking the halls of Ouran High, you will find many classrooms, cafeteria's, libraries, and even abandoned classrooms. However, despite the prestigious decorum and lounge area's that could hold the entire student body, one place stood out among them all.

Music Room 3. Once an abandoned classroom, now a breeding ground for false romance and lies. You never showed much interest in the club, except for the new host and their poor sob story, so you steered clear of it.

Now here you are, beholding the pale pink door and hesitating. Surely they wouldn't let you join their club? I mean, it was all boys and it was rare for guys to come by to be romanced by any of the hosts.

You've heard different variations of their persona's. Of course, everyone has preference, so there was definitely room for fabrication.

Kyoya Ootori. You knew him well, being neighbors your whole life. Of course, that meant living about 10 minutes away due to the size of your mansions. Charming, intelligent, and very well-versed in finances. That is what you heard about Kyoya these days. However; sly, selectively manipulative, and desperate to climb to the top was how you would describe him.

Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin. Twin brothers, mischievous, ginger. It practically sounded like a recipe for disaster. Both twins were known to attract women by simply treating each other as normal siblings would. All it took was a minuscule argument and a sitcom-esque resolution and the girls were putty in their hands.

Honey and Mori, or rather Mitsukuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka, were yet another duo. So there is duo duo's? Anyway, the kind and watchful Mori, and the cheerful and cute Honey were the next on your mind. You really had no way to contradict those descriptions. They cared for one another and were there for a good time anyway.

Haruhi Fujioka. The newest recruit, former "piglet." Uknown charm, sense of calm, and humble. In your eyes, it seemed as if Haruhi was more or less charming in an awkward, loser way. The humbleness is probably a result of his financial situation. Not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Some people have to work for it, you suppose. While you would love to help, Haruhi hardly took handouts. His loss.

Oh, right. Tamaki Suoh. The King, loverboy, and "handsome devil" of the club. He was the most requested host, and he had girls falling for him left and right. You didn't see the appeal, after all, he was just another guy who uses cheesy one-liners and calls it "romancing." Nevertheless, you would have to learn to tolerate it, especially if your connection got you into the club.

Pushing away reluctance and simultaneously pulling the door open, you were greeted by the scent of cake, tea, and perfume? You shook off the overwhelming sent and ventured further inside. You looked around for anyone who wasn't busy "wooing" some girl.

Deciding it'd be best to speak to the president, you found yourself searching for black hair and glasses. You found the man sitting at a table, thanking a girl for coming and feeding her a fake smile. You rushed over and pulled out a chair and sat down. "Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, unfortunately we are going to close soon- Oh. It's you."

You looked at him with a blank stare. "Thanks for the warm welcome, childhood bestie." You said sarcastically. Kyoya returned that same stare.

"Does it count if we never really officiated it?" He said, thoughtfully.

"I don't think you officiate friendships, Kyoya." You responded. "You should know that by now." You chuckled.

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