Twelve: Normalcy

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Third Person POV

Honestly, talking to Kyoya was a huge weight off your shoulders. Granted, the man could do whatever he wanted and it would make you happy. However, the root to your problem was gone for the most part you had to deal with Tamaki resorting to the silent treatment.

"Tamaki! Hey!" You shouted bright and early, earning a few glances from the people crowding around him.

"HMPH." He said, making sure you could hear him. Then he strutted off with Haruhi following suit.


Oh well. He'll be over it by lunch.

"Wow. You're eating in the cafeteria this time?" You sat at the chair beside him.

He gave you a glance and then turned to face forward. Hikaru hummed as his arm was around Haruhi's shoulders. "Hmm.. something is up. The boss seems more bitchy than usual." Hikaru snickered.

Kaoru fought a glare. He glanced at you before looking away. The chair next to you screeched. Tamaki was walking away from the table.

Haruhi finally chimed in. "Maybe someone should talk to him."

"Well, it can't be Y/N." Mori-Senpai spoke as he and Honey-Senpai joined the table. Honey was preferably fixated on Usa-Chan, shoveling food into the bear? Bunny?

You chuckled lightly at the situation.


Kyoya POV

That was much easier than expected. A full nights rest as well, I'm a bit shocked. However, those Lobelia fools seemed more competent than to mess with anyone associated with the Ootori group. Nevertheless, The Host Club remains the same with hardly any difficulty.

The school took the news of Haruhi being a girl pretty well, though I suppose any sexual awakenings won't pose a threat to us. After all, most men would just flock over to Haruhi rather than Y/N. That would help with her burden.

I guess Hikaru wouldn't be too welcoming of the idea, but he can't say no. Knowing Haruhi she would take it up as a new challenge.

I can't say I complain enough. These monologues drag on so long I should see my therapist more. I opened the all to familiar doors to an empty host club and a sobbing Tamaki.

How did we get here?

Third Person POV

Later at the club everyone was doing their job. Haruhi had proclaimed her gender to the school and no one seemed to mind it. Well, only a few girls trying to process their crushes complained.

You weren't doing much talking, rather chiming in as Haruhi entertained the male and female guests. God, how did she do it. Pretty soon Kaoru came up to your table and escorted the guests away. You blinked at the loss of background noise and watched as everyone retreated to the back rooms.

Your eyes met Tamaki's and before he could leave you began talking.

"Hey! Idiot! You've been ignoring me all day!

"You're one to talk!" He finally spoke. "It was fine.. it was all going so fine! I should have known it was too good to be true! You left me with no knowledge! You barely even tried talking to me until now!" He breathed heavily.

"What..?" You said, confusion settling in.

"I was happy!!" He began. "So happy that you finally.. that you finally wanted to get closer! I didn't feel the pressure to smile!" He was crying now. "..but.." He whimpered in between sobs. "You're just like my mother! Always too late!" He sobbed.

You stood silent and watched as Kyoya swiftly pulled open the door. He blinked as he looked at you, then to the sobbing Tamaki, and the club themselves.

"What the fuck.." He murmured under his breath.

End Note

School WILL be the death of me. 2 Essays and finals has been kicking my ass. Again, I missed a set deadline so I hope you can forgive me and take this chapter. It was originally going to be spread more, but I wanted to give you all something. Two more chapters and an epilogue and we'll be finished! Thank you for hanging on for the ride.

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