Eleven: Distance

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Third Person POV

Tamaki was going insane. He was confused. Did he do something wrong? What was in that envelope? Could it be that he was too impulsive? Did he rush the relationship too quickly. He couldn't tell.

He couldn't ask for help, not from anyone in the club at the very least. The most he could do was confront you. However, you took it upon yourself to occupy your lunch in the library. At the club he couldn't interrupt your work with the guests, no matter how much he tried to hide his jealous he couldn't.

Then why? Why have you kept avoiding him? Why were you torturing him this way? Were you going to leave? Had his so-called father talked to you? He tossed and turned in his bed, he came to school with more prominent eye bags, and even the guests noticed his slightly sour mood.

On the one hand, you were sorting everything out. Explaining the joke to Tamaki would seem simple enough, but the thought of letting him know and your secret being exposed was scary. You had done your detective work, talked to the twins mainly, and spent more time with the other host club members.

Kyoya caught on fast and snatched the photo from you when you weren't looking.

"You know it's not that hard to understand why they're doing this. Think of it this way, the Lobelia academy is known for blackmail on its former attendees. They're using people close to them to get back at those who leave. Similarly they're targeting Haruhi since her mother was a former student. Why they're threatening about Tamaki I can only assume you're not telling me much." He concluded.

You spilled. Everything. You were sat on his couch in one of his old hoodies. Kyoya wasn't a moron, he was smart, calculated, and could read you like an open book. You just didn't think he'd care enough.

"Fucking unbelievable!" You groaned. "They want me to go back. Kyoya I don't want to. I want to stay in the host club.. I like Haruhi.. I love talking with everyone, I like being closer to you, I haven't even had a proper date with Tamaki-"

Kyoya did the unthinkable and pulled you into a hug. "Shhh.. I know. Stop blabbering on about things I already knew. Listen."

He shoved you away gently and held your shoulders. "I need you to tell Tamaki. God knows he's not doing too well. I'll handle it.  Okay?"

You wiped tears you didn't even know you were holding. "Thank you Kyoya.. but why? You won't do anything without something in it for you." You mumbled. Kyoya hummed.

"My intentions will remain unknown to you. Go home. Go back to regular life tomorrow.. got it?" He whispered.

You nodded and left his house.

Kyoya sat at his computer and prepared for quite a long night. He had gained something. He had let something go as well. He gained a better understanding of your happiness, and he let go of his romantic attraction to you.

You were his best friend, his opposite, and future wife if he had it his way. While he loved you immensely, he loved your happiness. If you were happy with Tamaki then he simply wouldn't interfere.

After all, it wouldn't be the first time he sacrificed something for Tamaki.

Author Note

Hello again. I keep promising to update this story time and time again and I can just never get to it. Anyway! I've been working really hard and mapping out the rest of the story and began writing out newer chapters. The next update should be out around Friday or Saturday! Thank you for all the kind comments on my story, the votes, and or course supporting me even though I don't have a set schedule. Thank you so much, and follow me on TikTok if you'd like! @ ellyavacado

Love Interests [Tamaki Suoh x Reader] OFFICIALLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt