Fun with Cadets

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Here's the first one, hope you like it! Requests are being taken, though I am very good at procrastinating (sorry!).

Ft. superprotective VaderDad, annoyed Luke, and a very dumb officer

    The last thing Luke expected to see in the hyperdrive chamber of the Executor was a group of teenagers. Yet there they were, maybe ten or fifteen of them, all wearing standard Imperial cadet uniforms and staring at him in shock. Kriff. He should have stayed in bed today.

    Luke knew it wasn't normal for a fifteen year old dressed in black, military-cut clothes to be wandering around a Star Destroyer. At least, it wasn't normal on most Star Destroyers. If it were any other ship, Luke would have stayed in his chambers meditating. But the Executor had been his home for the past few years, so he'd grown comfortable ambling around the halls. More importantly, the officers stationed on the Executer had gotten used to him, so Luke had let his guard down, and promptly walked into a group of people who knew nothing about the special circumstances surrounding him. He was in deep bantha fodder now.

    A man cleared his throat, and Luke realized his second mistake of the day. He had been so surprised to see people his age that he didn't notice the Imperial officer standing in front of them, who had probably been giving them a lecture on the Hyperdrive or something. The officer marched so he was right in front of Luke, and glared down at him. Oh no, this kind of guy.

    Luke immediately noticed the markings on his uniform, noting him as a Commander. How wonderful. What he also took in was the entitled expression and the hand holding a small, officer-grade blaster. Kriff, it just got serious. Deciding it was better to speak before he got shot, Luke piped up hesitantly.

    "Hello, Commander," he said, trying to sound confident. "How may I help you?"

    Apparently this was the wrong move to make, because the Commander glowered even darker. "You're not a cadet, and you're certainly not an officer!" he spat, pointing his blaster at Luke's chest. Luke warily raised his arms. "And you're a little short for a stormtrooper! I know what you are..." Luke's stomach lurched. How would some Commander know he was Vader's son? It was being kept a secret, mostly. Just Admiral Piett knew, everyone else thought he was Vader's trainee. This was bad, this was very bad..... "Rebel scum!"

    Wait. What? Luke opened his mouth, and then closed it. That was definitely not what he was expecting. He'd heard of the Rebel Alliance, but as far as he knew, they hadn't infiltrated the Executor yet. As the cadets gasped and glared at him, Luke wondered if it would have been better to have his real secret known. But no, then the Emperor would find him ...

    Forcing himself back to reality, he quickly held his arms higher and protested. "What? No! I'm not a rebel, I, um, I.." He cursed himself for stammering. "I'm Lord Vader's protegee!"

    The Commander just snorted. "A boy like you, Lord Vader's protegee? Definitely not, little rebel. Now, I was thinking that these cadets needed a lesson on Interrogation, so I should probably thank you for showing up when you did."

    Things were officially out of control. Luke had been captured by some ignorant commander, who was going to interrogate him? (Everyone knew that interrogate really meant torture.) Yeah, no thanks. The Commander grabbed his shoulder and started trying to shove him out of the hyperdrive chamber. Closing his eyes momentarily, Luke focused on the Force bond between him and his father. It was like a bridge between their minds, half built of Luke's golden, searing flames, half of his father's dark, cold fire. Quickly, somewhat frantically, Luke reached across the bridge and prodded his father's mind.

    'Luke? What is it, I'm in a meeting?' his mental voice sounded slightly annoyed.

    'Well, I might have gotten myself into a situation...' Luke trailed off. He wasn't quite sure how to tell his father that he had been taken captive on his own ship and was about to be tortured for rebel intel.

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