Chapter 15

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I hope everyone had a good Christmas.

Extremely sorry about the huge delay. More about it after the chapter.

Aside from that, enjoy the chapter! Leave a vote if you like the chapter. And don't be afraid to comment!

Also, if you see any mistakes don't be afraid to point them out. It's late when I was editing so I probably missed some mistakes.


The loud bellow of a grunt slashed the blissful silence of Vidiran forest. Sweat beaded down Ash's raven head as the man angrily stomped over with an irritated frown. Ash barely held in his girly yelp that bubble menacingly at the tip of his month.

"What, a cat got your tongue, kid? Spit it out!" The grunt spat with enough coldness to take down a Charizard.

Ash's hands nervously played with his blue jeans as his mind began to turn into a confused pokemon. He didn't know what to do. Suddenly, as he hands ran over his pocket, an idea popped into his head like Mew using teleport.

"P-p-Pokémon Go," the student manged nervously, holding up his phone with the app open and playing on his screen.

The brown eyes of the muscled man narrowed, making Ash's heartbeat outside his chest. "Pokemon Go?" The grunt tonelessly questioned, his eyes darkening.

The raven head immediately nodded. "Y-yes," withholding any signs of cowardness from emerging in his voice.

After a couple of more seconds under the intense glare, the grunt let out an annoyed sigh and smacked his forehead. "You seem to be lost on your stupid pokemon adventure, so I'll cut you some slack."

Ash tentatively nodded, not wanting to attract any more trouble then he already had around him. "Follow me, kid. Ill escort you out," the grunt ordered, giving Ash a little shove towards the exit of the forest. Immediately, Ash started walking in the direction he was shoved, with the grunt following behind closely.

As the two trudged through the dense forest, Ash's growing curiosity eventually got the better of the boy. "What is happening here? I was here a couple of days ago, and everything was normal."

Taking a glance at his escort, he saw the grunt's face tug into an annoyed frown. "Some research project. Don't know, don't care. I'm just here to look after them from people like you and get paid," he spat. Satisfied with the answer, Ash looked back in front, not daring to push the grunt's sensitive buttons any further.

When the duo reached the tree line of the forest, the grunt ordered, "Now scram. If I see you again, I will not be so kin-"

A powerful bolt of electricity rained down from the trees, striking the grunt and electrocuting him. After a couple of seconds of the grunt's agonising screams of pain, the electricity stopped, and the man collapsed onto the ground. Ash quickly checked on him and saw his eyes rolled into his head; he wasn't going to be conscious for a while.

The yellow mouse pokemon then suddenly leapt from the tree and landed on top of the grunt he just took down. "What the hell Pikachu!" Ash boomed at the yellow mouse Pokémon, who was wilding grinning on top of his tasered victim.

"What do you mean? What the hell?" Pikachu shot in disgust. "I just saved you. Where is the 'thank goodness you are here' or 'thanks for saving me' or even thanks, in general, would be appreciated!"

"He was about to let me go you, idiot," Ash exclaimed with an annoyed tone, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Shrugging dismissively, Pikachu mocked, "O boohoo. You are free so the same result." Ash let out an annoyed scoff at his companions swagger. "His gang were doing some research at our portal entrance, so it's probably best to knock him out."

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