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Before you choose to proceed with the book, I feel the need to add this warning.

Youth is a based in a corrupt society and the morals of the characters in this book are certainly askew. There are strong themes of:

- Ableism
- Elitism
- Misogyny
    - Dictatorship (and slight communist references)
- Heavy violence
- Torture
- Strong language

I wish to add on to the point 'misogyny' - the society I have built has an extremely toxic attitude towards women.
The views put across in the book should not be romanticised or agreed with.

I might also add that my take on 'vampires' is very different to what you might consider to be a vampire. I've done some research into different takes on the species and merged things together, as well as changed and created aspects of my own to suit my narrative. If anything mentioned of vampires seems "incorrect", please remember that at the end of the day this is a work of fiction and I'm just a bored teenage girl trying to write a story.

If you are uncomfortable with any of the points listed above then I would not recommend proceeding with this book.

Finally, and most importantly:
I do not condone yandere behaviours and that is not what the purpose of this book is. This is a horror/psychological thriller playing on the yandere trope as I believe it makes for a good story. If you relate to any of the themes presented in this book, please talk to someone and get some help. Obsession is a really scary thing and it can be hard to know what to do when faced with it in real life. Don't deal with it alone. Reach out to someone - a friend, family member, teacher or trusted colleague. There will be people who want to help, no matter how isolated you feel.

With all this aside, I hope you enjoy the book.

- Socks x

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