57 - Another Brief

Start from the beginning

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"I don't know what to do, John..."

"But what did you do, Sherlock?"

"I - spoke without thinking."

"Like that doesn't happen often." John murmured.

Sherlock glared at his friend who sat in the arm chair opposite him. But then silently agreed.

"For a genius you can be an idiot an awful lot of the time." He added.

At this Sherlock's mouth dropped in offense. The detective never thought his friend could be so brutally honest but - he also guessed he deserved it. He was notorious for his brutal honesty so it was only fair someone did the same back to him.

John smiled, amused by his reaction, "So what did you say?"

"Many things..." Sherlock sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to forget yet he felt the conversation would forever be engrained in his brain.

He explained to John then, the night before where Irene had surprisingly appeared as the antagonist in this case. John listened to the woeful tale of Sherlock having felt like a fool for being played. The detective couldn't leave out the vengeful conversation he had with Irene which contained the statements that appeared to irk Elizabeth most. The doctor sat, patiently acknowledging every word.

And by the end of it, even John was at a loss for helpful advice.

"You really have screwed this one up, mate." John muttered as he ran his hands over his eyes.

Sherlock just gave him a look said 'tell me about it'.

John rested his head on his hand as he sat and stared at the detective, "You do still want to be with her, right?"

"Yes, John, of course!"

"So have you actually apologised to her then? Properly?"

"She's ignoring me and snaps at me when she does acknowledge me, John. So...no..."

John shrugged, "Well that's your first course of action. I'm not saying it will work but it's a bloody good place to start."

"Yes but how?"

"Once again, Sherlock, I have to leave that up to you."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

The knock at the door finally dragged Elizabeth out of Sherlock’s room. She had received a text from Mycroft, stating that he was here so she knew she wouldn't be able to stay hidden away from the detective for much longer.

When she appeared in the living room, she took a seat at the table.

Sherlock watched her cross the room, never daring to glance his way, even for one second. He wanted to talk with her but he needed to be in detective mode now. She was to be given another mission. Full focus would be needed to listen to Mycroft's brief.

John was the one that let in the government official.

Mycroft strolled in, as always with an overwhelming sense of authority as he stopped to stand in the middle of the room. He greeted the three of them and they greeted him back. Very briefly, his gaze scanned both Elizabeth and his brother. Something bad had happened between them after they met with himself and Irene last night.

Secretly he was pleased.

Perhaps they wouldn't be likely to get back together again.

What a fortunate set of circumstances Ms Adler had left him with.

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