"Isaac? What in the hell? Why are you in Starling?"

"Calm down, lady, calm down," Isaac hushed, holding his hands up. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Obviously," Parker snapped. "Wait, why are you in the girls bathroom?"

Her question was answered when a blonde girl sauntered from the stall he exited from, pulling her skirt into place.

Parker's face scrunched up in disgust. Her mouth opened and closed, pondering just what to say. "I don't know. Be safe? Don't do drugs? I don't even know. I'm going to leave."

"Probably a good idea," Isaac nodded.

Flustered by the encounter, Parker shuffled out of the bathroom. Her face obviously conveyed utter confusion, something she hadn't noticed as she met up with the rest of the team.

"Something happen in the bathroom?" Roy asked.

Parker climbed onto the stool, shaking her head slightly. "I'm twenty-four and still a virgin."

Cisco had awkwardly cleared his throat. "Stuff I didn't need to know.."

"I caught this eighteen year old I know getting it on in the bathroom. Terrible. Gross," Parker shuddered, grabbing Cisco's drink and drowning it. "What did I miss?"

"We had been talking about how different our hometowns are," Caitlin said.

"FRS found a match on Harkness," Felicity announced, hopping down from the stool. "I should go tell Oliver."

The remaining four conversed about villains they had fought until Felicity sent Roy a text message, asking him to bring everyone back downstairs.

"Where did Barry and Oliver go?" Roy asked.

"Went after Harkness," Felicity said.

The computer screen was split down the middle. One side showed a map of the city that tracked where Barry and Oliver were, the other was a grid of security cameras. 

"Harkness just triggered five bombs throughout the city!" came Barry's voice through the speaker, "We don't know where!"

Cisco and Felicity's heads whipped to one another. They spoke out loud, but only to work with each other.

"Okay, to blanket the entire city, he would have to use.." Felicity started.

"Radio controlled IED's. But if we key in on the detonators frequency.." Cisco continued.

Felicity clapped, then adjusted her hands to her keyboard. "Then, we can pinpoint the location of the bombs."

"I need a location!" Barry paused. "Well, I need five locations!"

"Nearest one is behind a restaurant near Faith and Flower," Cisco said.

Seconds passed while Barry cut through the town to find the streets. "Okay, hey guys, I found it. I'm going to run it out of the city."

"Barry, wait!" Felicity yelled.

"Not really an option."

"We think the bombs might be linked," Cisco said.


"Press the emblem on your chest, I installed a camera there last week," Cisco ordered.

He clacked away on the computer. When he moved away from the screen, the team could see a video playing from Barry's perspective. They found a bomb sitting in a garbage can.

Within Seconds // Barry AllenWhere stories live. Discover now