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"yuqi! my wrist, it hurts!"

"sit down!"

"why are we in my room now? we were playing a game."

"tell me why did you lie? your father? in korea?"

"it is taiwan, yuqi. i meant taiwan. i want to know why you're so mad about this."

"i know you lie. i shouldn't be surprised though. you lie everyday."

"what do you mean?"

"nothing, nevermind."



"okay you're right. i lie everyday."

"i knew it."

"i don't want to lie anymore."

"tell me everything then."

"okay... actually my dad's company was established in korea. we lived there till i was 10. then, my mother cheated on my father and they got divorced. mother took me with her to taiwan and i started to live there. i was nothing but a ghost for my mother. anyways, so, my father was in korea whereas we were in taiwan. i am not proud of them. i guess, i wanted to show a perfect family image to feel less unhappy. so since high school i told everyone my family lives in taiwan, together."

"shuhua, i didn't know."

"shh! keep listen, i didn't finish... for my high school education, dad called my mom and they agreed to send me abroad. and the school had a short break due to some reasons in the first year. i went to korea to see my father back then. we hadn't seen each other in a long time, but he beat me. because-"

"okay, shuhua. you don't have to continue. i learned enough."

"you said 'tell me everything'. now, you sit and listen to me. i loved a girl, yuqi. he beat me for this, but it didn't broke my heart more than when that girl left me without a word!"

"shuhua, enough!"

"you tell me i'm the liar. but you are the real liar, yuqi."


"i loved you, but god damn it! i still love you! why did you have to leave me like that? huh?"


"and now, why do we have to hide this truth?"

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