"See Cap, we're still being productive." Wanda said after the fight earning a laugh from Clint.

Morning light, it stings a little
Out of my mind, I don't remember calling

You got to another area where you were to place a charge.

You got right to work. Your hands moved swiftly and precisely. There was no room for error seeing as this was the main charge that would trigger all the rest.

You were interrupted by the hurried sound of boots heading your way.

"Keep working, we got this." Bucky ordered as he rushed off to intercept your attackers.

Had too much tonic wine, sometimes it does the talking
Hope you know I wish you all the love you're looking for


You could hear the fighting going on around you but forced yourself to focus on the task at hand.

That was until a large hand grasped your shoulder and before you could even think to react you were thrown into the opposite wall.

A groan escaped your lips as you got to your feet and looked at the man who had to be at least twice your size.

Cracking your neck, you ran at the man and quickly gained the upper hand. He was large and clunky while you were small and agile.

Nobody said that it would last forever
That doesn't mean we didn't try to get there

You knocked him off balance giving you enough time to pull out one of your pistols and shoot him between the eyes.

You preferred to make your work quick and easy. A gunshot to the head was just that.

You helped Bucky and Wanda with the remainder of the soldiers and then looked at them. "Go get the information. I'm gonna finish up the charges."

"Are you sure you won't need us?" Wanda asked as she and Bucky turned to go. You gave her a slight shake of your head.

"Go, I'll meet you outside."

I never said that we would die together
That doesn't mean it was a lie


You soon finished up the main charge along with the other two you had to set up.

You regrouped with Bucky and Wanda before rushing outside with the others. 

"Got everything?" Clint asked as you walked over to him, Nat, and Steve.

In response Bucky held up the small flash drive. "And all the charges are set." You said with a soft smirk.

"Perfect. Let's get out of range then." Steve said as he began to lead you all away.

"Ay ay captin'." You teased as you all rushed away towards the Quinjet.

Nobody said that it would last forever

Once a safe distance away you pulled out the detonator and pressed the button.

But nothing happened.

You tried against and still, nothing.

"Shit." You exclaimed.

"Language." Steve scowled without missing a beat earning a slight glare from you. 

"Who do you think fucked up the charges?" Nat asked with a frustrated sigh.

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