He gives me a look, "You got me."

I laugh, "Oh thank God! Been waiting to die for awhile now"

I was just joking, I mean of course there was some truth in that statement but that's how I handle my pain, through humor. But when looking at Tyler's face I instantly know I messed up and he doesn't see it that way.

He looks angry for a second, his eyes turning dark, "Why?"

He is starring so intensely at me that my walls immediately start going up again. I simply can't help it, it is an automatic reaction. Instead of answering I give a shrug and look away. I hear him sigh next to me and its like a stab in my heart. I don't want to upset him especially since he is trying but I still have a hard time opening up. He leads me to an area with a park table and bench. He effortlessly jumps up on the table and pats a spot next to him. I then attempt to jump on the table like he did but I miscalculated the jump and ended up landing flat on my ass. My cheeks flare up as I groan both in pain and embarrassment. I hear Tyler start laughing and I grumble a sharp 'be quiet' I then climb up on the bench using it as leverage to climb on the table. Satisfied with me positioning next to Tyler I look up and smile.

"Glad you could make it all the way up here."

"Oh shut up!" I say as I feel my cheeks burn.

I lightly swat his arm and he takes my hand in his to hold. I instantly melt. But I still. What does this all mean? Why is he like this? What does he want? There are still so many questions I don't have the answer to and I wish I did. The way I feel about Tyler is so strong and different from anything else. But I'm not stupid, I hear what people say, I've even seen it in the halls- the fights, arguments, his recklessness, he goes through girls faster than Hugh Heffner but even still there is just something about him. I want to know him, and I want him to know me. But we are so different, polar opposites. But I can't help but wonder- what if. What if all the rumors are fake? What if there is more to Tyler than people think- than even, I think? What if I let him in my life? What is I let him see the real me? All the bad, ugly, horrible secrets I harbor. What then? I've been alone for so long, for numerous of important reasons. Why change? Is it even worth it?
I'm shaken out of my thoughts by the sound of Tyler's voice, "What are you thinking about angel?"

"I just realized; I don't know anything about you."

He lets out a deep chuckle, "Not true."

I furrow my eyebrows not liking him doubting me, "Um- Yes true! We haven't ever interacted before a few days ago, you never once noticed me at all because we are on opposite ends of the spectrum!"

He gives me a pointed look, "Not. True."

At this point I would not have been surprised if steam was coming out of my ears with how angry I felt. How dare he? But before I could even say a sound he starts speaking.

"Not true, I noticed you. See you with that girl everywhere, you used to be more outgoing even friends with Monica at some point. But now your different. More reserved, quieter, shy, only talk to one person. But God you got one sexy, smart mouth, not afraid to speak your mind. But consequentially afraid of everything, everyone, all the time. But you shouldn't, shouldn't have to be afraid because you are so strong which is evident by the marks on your arms, and the cuts on your thighs. You have walls up, like me, don't want people close. You keep on a hard exterior through how you dress and act, but I see you Spencer, you're not like that."

My mouth may as well be on the ground by the end of it. I feel exposed, and I don't like it one bit. I feel confused about how he figured all this out, and how he noticed? I thought I was invisible, which is how I liked it, but now I'm not and I don't know how to feel.

The Good Girl's Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now