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⚠️ Warning: mentions of attempted rape and stabbing⚠️

Tyler and Mark waited for the foot steps to stop and they looked out the door. "Should we listen to Blank?" Mark asks. Tyler shrugs and looks at Skip. Tyler bends down and finds Skip's phone. Mark looked over Tyler's shoulder. "What would his password be?" Tyler asks. Mark takes the phone and types '123456' it surprisingly works. They go through contacts seeing Dark, Mike, Anti, Annus, Deceit, Die, and a few other names. "We should text someone and try to figure out there plan."  Mark suggests. "That will be to obvious. Who just forgets stuff like that?!?" Tyler states. "Someone who smears peanut better on their face and claims to be king of the squirrels." Mark says taking the phone and deciding to text Anti

S: Hey. Do you remember where Ethan and Sean are.
A: I don't want to talk to you scumbag
S: Why, what did I do?
A: Tried to f***ing rape Blank!!!!!!!

"Let's talk to someone else..." Mark says leaving the conversation. "Try Annus"

S: Hi. What was our plan again?
A: Time will soon run out. Memento Mori

"That wasn't any help." Tyler groaned and texted Mike.

S: Where is Sean and Ethan?
M: D***it. Your still alive?
S: um yes?
M: I thought Anti stabbed you?

Mark and Tyler exchange glances before hearing a buzz coming from the phone

M: btw touch Blank again and I swear to god I will rip you limp from limb, burn you and snort your ashes.

Mark was about to say something when they both hear footstep. Both men jump into the closet.

(Sorry for such a short chapter. I just felt like I needed to release something)

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