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Authors Note: Sorry this chapter is so short. The story is gonna her interesting very soon. Thanks for reading :)

Tyler paced around the room, it had been over an hour since the kidnapping. Tyler sighed. 'I should have just beaten the crap out of Dark...I should have protected Ethan.' Tyler thought to himself. It was all his fault, Ethan would be hurt and all he could do is stand here. Tyler felt so useless. Tyler jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder, it was Mark. "Ty, you need to calm down." "How can I calm down when Ethan and Sean are in danger!" Tyler yelled harshly.Mark looked surprised by Tyler's tone. "Calm down, if you keep yelling and getting upset we won't get anywhere!" Mark yelled back. Tylers expression softened "Sorry." "I know," Mark replied. "What do you know about Dark?" Tyler asked, trying to learn about his enemy. "He is Damien and Celine, he wants control, he is very manipulative and has narcissistic tendencies." Mark responded, "Do you know anything about Xyler." Tyler thought for a moment "Not really, he has a temper." Mark shrugs "Anti also is a leader, but not as much as Dark. Do we know anything about Blank?" Tyler shook his head "He sounded pretty scared, definitely not in charge." Mark nodded "So it sounds as if it will be easiest to reason with Blank." Tyler nodded in agreement. Suddenly they heard a voice over the speaker. "In 24 hours the fun will begin." The speaker was cut off immediately after. Mark sighed "Who was that?!?" Tyler asked. "Wilford Motherloving Warfstache."

Another Authors Note: I realize this story is becoming a little Tythan-y so if you like or dislike it tell me and I will continue or discontinue it.

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