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(A/N: So I haven't posted in a while............hehe. Sorry for not posting. Thank you for everyone who has read my story.)

Anti glared at his phone. Next time he sees Skip he will make sure he is dead. Anti looks up as Dark, Blank, Unus, and Annus enter the room. Anti puts his phone in his pocket. Dark scowls "What happened to Skip?" Dark asks Anti. "Don't worry about it" Anti replies angrily. Dark shrugs and drops the topic.  "Anyway, we need to find Mark and Tyler before they find Ethan and Sean." Dark says. "I am going to send Mike and Xyler to guard Ethan and Sean." Anti and Blank nod along. "I will also be sending out everyone to search the premises for Mark and Tyler. If we fail to find him we will use Ethan and Sean to...persuade them to come back to us." Dark says an evil smirk on his face.   "OK" Anti says and leaves the room. Blank heads towards the closet Tyler and Mark were hiding in. 

Once Blank arrives he opens the closet and Tyler and Mark exit. "Are you guys ok?" Blank asks. "Um yeah..." Mark says recalling what Anti told them about Skip. "Dark is looking for you guys. If he can't find you he might hurt Ethan and Sean to make you come to him." "Well, what are we supposed to do?" Tyler says, frustrated. Blank shrugs. Mark tries coming up with a plan. "I think I know what we can do." Tyler says gaining Blank and Mark's attention, "I could turn myself in so that Dark doesn't hurt Ethan or Mark." "No. We aren't doing that, Tyler." Mark says sternly. "Well, we can't let the Ego's hurt Sean or Ethan!" Mark groans. "That will be out last resort." "Their might be another way." Blank interrupts "Dark only unleashed Egos that are 'evil' what if we can unleash some that aren't evil?" Mark considers this "Which ones aren't evil?" "JJ, Chase, Jackieboy, Marvin... mainly Sean's egos." Blank responds "Plus, I am sure we can get Unus, Annus, and maybe Anti on our side." "I don't trust you. You and Anti are evil. You'll rat us out, or at least Anti will." "He's not that bad..." Blank mumbles. "We could also use Skip as ransom!" Tyler says. "That won't work. No one really likes him. He's pretty annoying." Blank says looking at the still unconscious Skip. "Fair enough" Tyler responds shrugging his shoulders. 

Meanwhile Wilford enters the room with Sean and Ethan. "I'm bored..." he pulls out a knife and gun "Lets have some fun!" 

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