Chapter 37

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Emily's p.o.v

Pulling my hair down I brushed the strands lightly....

I sided my hair to left...A gasp left my mouth

Is that.....a hickey

"Oh my god"

Memory of Cole sucking on to my sensitive skin surfaced...
My face was flushed red
I have to hide it...If dad see it im dead

I put some foundation on it and wore my hoody to cover it properly

Grabbing my keys I closed the door and left for dad's place


I knocked slowly becuz dad always gets startled....we haven't been talking much these past days so I brought his favorite chicken burger and sunflowers

Bringing sunflowers is like our makes us happy

Dad opened the door looking like Frankenstein

"Since how many days-"
"Three" he replied grumpily

He walked back to his desk and sat down

"I brought chicken burger" I exclaimed
He didn't turn

I opened the packet..."dad u can take a little break now c'mon"

He kept looking at his file rubbing his forehead

"Something's wrong?" I asked

"How bout u tell me about this new boyfriend of your" he asked back turning his chair

My heart skipped a beat....

"What" I mumbled
"Emily...." he scoffed

"Do u have any idea how long we've been trying to track down this asshole....he ran away from prison Emily FUCKING PRISON" He yelled loudly

I shuddered involuntarily

"Dad-" I tried to speak but he cut me
"How is it possible that he is always around u but we never ever see his face...we have been tracking him since 6 months...and the next thing I know my useless daughter is dating him" he got up from his chair

"Dad please let me explain" I said getting up
He rubbed his forehead
"Why....WHY Emily...Was it not enough for u that u killed your mom huh...and now you r adding more headaches to my life...why can't u just let me live why do u have to be a DISSAPOINTMENT" He screamed

"I didn't kill mom" my voice cracked
"Yes u did...if it wasn't for u she would be alive by now...your stubborn ass killed her"

My eyes started to sting...I backed away slowly...I can't believe he just said that

Is that what he has been thinking all these years...Tears ran down my face

I walked to the door and sprinted to my car...I started the engine and drove off to full speed

Tears were uncontrollable...I kept wiping them to clear my vision but my eyes were burning

After driving for a while I parked the car

I sobbed silently hoping no one hear me

After a while I wiped my tear and started the car to get home

I dropped myself on the bed
My mom's beautiful face flashing through my head..."Im sorry mom" I whispered

My heart felt heavy....I wanted to break something,cut myself

I groaned loudly

My phone beeped beside me

I picked up my phone to check whose msg it was

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