Chapter 16

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Cole's p.o.v

"I want u to know the truth about me i don't care what the world believes but i care about what u think of me...." i signed

"Okay" she nodded gesturing me to continue
"I was 15 years of dad worked for a mafia named was drug addict and he fucked up some work given by Calavera,im not sure what it was....he chased my dad for 3 years and when he got him finally.. he had him killed ...infront of my eyes...they tried to take me and my mom...but we escaped...i was in this gang of smugglers they were my friend...i never worked with them but they always helped me with everything, they had my back...I was done running away so I asked them to teach me how to fight...they helped me so much...they r the reason why im alive..." i paused and looked down...

I saw her terrified reaction but i continued anyway becuz she needs to know the whole story

"I learned fighting and chased every single one of them and killed them...but what I got to know next shattered completely broke dad.....he was...he wasn't a nice person..we never argued his ways of earnings becuz we thought he is doing this for us and also becuz he would beat me and mom if we questioned him..he always told us he smuggled guns and weapons....but turned out he did more than that....he used to kidnap people and send them to places...he used to do human trafficking...he was cheating on my mom...he would always beat her...I tried to stop him but I couldn't i was so small and scared....I spend so much time avenging his death...i killed so many people not only for him but also becuz they wanted to hurt mom...they...they took my sister...they selled her organs... then they killed her"

She angled her body towards me as if waiting for me to break down... but she looked more hurt than me....a tear dropped from her eye..i couldn't hold myself and I let the tears flow

"Im sorry im so so sorry" she whispered holding my hand
She really felt my pain
"All of this time I spent hating these people but it turned out that my father was just like them" i added...i felt like a stupid kid trying to make her hate me less than she already does by telling her my past

I heard footsteps coming toward us

"Oh yeah the beacon hahahah" someone laughed
"U should have seen his face" an officer hollered making their way towards my cell....
Dickheads...i thought
She slowly let go of my hand

I glanced at her one last time not getting enough of her sight

"Its really late i think u should go home now" I suggested looking at her glistening eyes filled with tears...I wanted to hold onto her soft was definitely the softest thing I've touched in a while

If I tell her anything else she would break down... she nodded and wiping her tear she rose me one last empathetic smile she turned and left.

It amaze me to see someone so passionate and open to feelings...I realised I was a coward when i met her i never let anybody in after my sister died i never admitted it but i am weak unlike her....she is so kind and loving

I am so tired...what I did is wrong. I killed people for the sake of my family but it is wrong...and I wanna spend the rest of my life repenting for my mistakes in this hellhole...I don't plan on doing anything else...i deserved this

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