Chapter 11

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I reached Bethlehem and parked my car....
It was unusually quiet...I approached the gateway....the lights were off...I went inside the office...
"Mr.Murphy..."i called
"Anyone here" I said turning the lights on
Nobody answered....all the officers were gone....Its 9:00pm and they have already left....I had the keys to all prisons cell...

So i went inside the building...i reached Cole's cell and opened it...
It was so dark...when i visit in the morning...there is enough sunlight falling from window to make the pathway visible...but it was night was scary as hell...

"Cole i brought the vitamins" i said searching for the light button on the wall....i turned it on but the light was gone...
"Oh c'mon " i signed
"Cole?" I called again
He didn't answer..
" r u here Cole?" I paused

"Yes" he said in a deep voice....
I turned around...he was standing right behind me...his voice send shiver down my spine...I turned around taking a step back

"I...I bought the tablets" i said handing him the packet
"Thanks" his voice was hoarse and scary
He put it down...
"Ur barely visible"...i laughed nervously....

"Bold of u to come here alone" he smirked...the cell had blue light becuz it was night time...i saw his green eyes shimmering...I looked at him breathing hardly....

" im not alone" I lied confidently
"The other officer r here" I added
"The officers leave this hell at 7pm" he whispered coming closer to me
I searched for the keys in my pocket so I can run,open the gate and so stupid that i locked the door from inside ...i have a habit of locking door when im with officers from inside so that the prisoner can't escape.....i searched for keys in both my pocket

"Looking for this?" He said smirking swinging the heart stopped.....he has the keys...oh god he has the keys...

He was so close to me now that I was able to feel his breath on my neck...I hit the wall as I took another step backwards....

I felt a sharp point on my waist....i looked down slowly...he was holding a scissor, he is going to stab me with the scissor and escape
When did he take my keys and scissors...he must've took the scissors from first aid...
He is going to kill me now....I was shivering so bad...i was barely breathing...

He planted his hand next to my head...blocking my escape...
Tears started falling out i closed my eyes...I was so scared...

"Please don't hurt me" I whispered almost in an inaudible voice
"Sometimes I wonder...r u fearless or just stupid" he whispered in my ear
He put his other hand on my waist...his hand was warm...i felt ticklish feeling all over my body...nobody ever touched my waist...i mean not a boy...

Why does any of this matter...he is going to kill me....he pinned me against the body was shaking like anything....

"What do u want" I mumbled
"I wanted learn a lesson....i want to make u understand what happens when u think of yourself as independent girl and enters a serial killer's cell at night...ALONE" his thumb caressed my skin
He pulled away and handed me the keys

I was so confused ...
he giggled and walked away...what the hell is wrong with him..he sat on the bench and i was just standing there pinned to the wall looking at him trying to understand what just happened...

He turned to me..."What?" He asked
"U want me to actually kill u" he raised an eyebrow
I wanted to slap him so hard...
"If it was anyone else he would've stabbed u and escaped" he said giggling as if it was a joke..
"U idiot" i shouted

I opened the door and turn around to lock him and stormed out....i could clearly hear his manly laugh..
Stupid idiot.....fucking asshole what does he think he is....I sat in my car trying to catch my body not being able to forget his hands on it....

I was so terrified....i tried to calm down...I started the engine and drove away

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