Chapter 27

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I was just sitting on my bed thinking about last was so surreal
And he said that dad will tell me everything...what does that mean
Did he talked to dad....he can't its impossible...idk what is happe-

How does he even know where I was...I don't know how he found me
My phone vibrated scaring the shit out of me

"Oh god" I signed searching the phone on the blanket...
"Yes found it" I received the call
"Hello hon" dad greeted....
"Hi dad"
"R u free today?" He asked....
"Yeah why"
"There this party-" he started...Party?!?! Did Cole talked to dad???

"WHAT PARTY" I screamed
"Uh..." dad paused...I yelled like an idiot

"I mean umm where dad" I asked now more politely
"It is hosted by some Mr.Murphy for police officers as a tribute,my friends r gonna be there and they have asked me to bring u too...they last saw u when u were like 8....they have uh" I heard paper folding
"They have sended an invitation for u also....strange....considering its not their own party....i guess this Mr.Murphy  is friend of my friends" he laughed

"Anyways u have to come im not taking no for an an-"

"Okay" I replied quickly

"What" dad asked
"Okay ill come"
"Okay ready at 7" dad said in disbelief....ofcrs he was expecting me to say no...

I want to talk to Cole...I've made my mind
Im not scared of him...I have a lot of questions bottled up I need to talk to him...
But how does he even know about this party....

Nothing makes sense right now im losing my mind....when I'll see him today ill ask everything and definitely slap him hard for just leaving me like that

"The pendant" I remembered
I ran to my living room towards the sofa
After throwing some clothes away I found it....

"Wow" I gasped...
The light fell on it making it shimmer...its beautiful

He is so cute....he gave this to me becuz he knew at that exact moment I won't be able to tell him if I wanna meet him or he gave this pendant and when I'll wear it he'll know that I wanna talk to him
Clever and thoughtful...I smiled

"Oh shit I have to get ready" I remembered
I ran to take a shower...I got out in my towel and started searching through my closet...."please anything....pleaseee" I signed as I searched through my whole closet...surprisingly I had nothing to wear..

I need a dress for tonight...I don't have enough time to buy it god what do i do...ughhh
"Kelly" I snapped my sure she can help

I jumped on the bed and picked up my phone ..... I searched her name and called her....her weird ringtone was going on so I pulled the phone away from my ear....but close enough to hear if she pick up

I was smiling like an,what has gotten into me...Im going to meet a murderer tonight who USED me to run away from jail...
I got up from the bed..

"What am I even doing " I sat on my bed....this man pointed gun at my father...and im just going happily to meet him
I shouldn't be doing this

"Well it would be a little more convenient for me to hear u if u just put your phone near your mouth" Kelly yelled from the phone....
"Uh...Hello? Kelly" I stuttered
"Yeahhh" she replied sensing something is possibly wrong

"I just...can u come over please" I requested
"Okay ill be there" she cut the call...I loved how she was always there for me...she is the bestest gift I've got

I was sitting wearing my towel and having  existential crisis as Kelly barged into my room
"U need to lock doors from now on do u hear me" she ordered as soon as she entered....she saw me sitting with a towel and dead face

"Hey what happened" she said sitting next to me and putting her purse down

I looked down at the floor before breaking the silence...

"I met Cole"

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