Chapter 22

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Cole's p.o.v

My sister is still alive....I felt hopeful after a very long time...I have to get to her...i have to save her no matter what...there's only one way I could get out of this prison.
Emily. I don't wanna do this but im helpless...

Emily's p.o.v

I sat down with dad to have breakfast at my place..."so how's everything going"
Dad looked up
"Good...good what about u" he asked spreading ketchup on his sandwich...
"Everything's good" I smiled
We talked for a while about was getting late so we got up and left for work

As we arrived dad went into his office and I went into Cole's cell....
"Hi" I said cheerfully
"The guards aren't here" was the first question he asked..
"No...they r with dad discussing something" I said putting the first aid box on the bed and opening it...
Cole got up from the bed and walked towards me stopping right beside me...

"Everything's okay?" I asked
"Im sorry Emily...u r the best thing that ever happened to me...just please don't move so much won't hurt much" he whispered
"Cole what r u saying" I asked...
He held my wrist tightly and pulled out a knife from behind his back...
I gasped and he instantly put the knife on my neck and folded my hand behind my back

"Aahhhhh" I moaned in pained...he held my hand so roughly I thought it would break
"Cole what r u doing" I screamed
Dad and other officer stormed into the cell hearing my voice....I was trembling with was hard for me to grasp what was happening
It shattered my heart...a tear fell down my cheek

"Cole stop" I sobbed...
"Hurt her and u r a dead chicken" dad yelled pulling out a gun
The officers followed him pulling out their guns..
"U come any closer and she dies'' Cole's thick voice sent shiver all over my body in horror....i struggled to get away but every time he tightened his grip on my neck and arm...unabling me to move

I kept whining in pain...
"Move out of my way" Cole ordered
"Drop your weapons and move out my way!" He yelled again...
"Okay...okay don't hurt her" Dad said putting his gun down
Cole snaked his hand from behind on my stomach...his other hand on neck
"Move" he whispered in my ears
"No" I resisted
"I'll cut u" he grunted
"I don't care" I hissed back
"Do as he says Emily" dad shouted
If he escaped because of me he's gonna murder more and more ppl im not letting that happen

I tried to break away from his grip but it was impossible his hands wrapped tightly over my body made my muscles hurt more and more...he pushed me outside the  cell..
"Stay in" he ordered dad
picking up the keys he locked the cell with dad and the other officers inside

he took me outside the building towards the front gate...
"U betrayed me" my voice was low as he turned me around
"I don't wanna do this Emily..If I came back alive out of this I will come back for u and explain everything I so so so sorry please forgive me.." he said...i looked at his hand with knife....his hand is trembling badly...he threw the knife away

"What" I whispered softly...he loosened his grip on my waist...he bend,a hesitant look crossing his face

He placed a kiss my cheek softly..I stood there for a second looking into his eyes for answer
I heard yelling from inside

he heard it too
He turned and started running towards the exit...I saw a car there waiting for him....

This was planned??
I kept looking at him not knowing what to do...he turned to look at me before he got into his car...a tear fell down his cheeks..he jumped into the car...the driver in black suit started the car and went away...I heard gunshot and closed my ears...

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