Chapter 14

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Cole p.o.v

Wow...I just...cannot believe this
Its not her fault...its mine...she believed what everyone told her...she really meant it she doesn't wanna see my face....
By back slided down the door I put my head in my hand....I touched my face where it was hurting..i looked back at my hand
"Shit" it was hurted so bad...
I slowly walked to the bed and laid down...
I was so tired and fell asleep right away thinking about her.....only her


Emily's p.o.v

The sun rays coming in from the open window woke me
I looked at the ceiling fan for few minutes and pulled all my strength to get up...

I put on my crocodile flip flops and decided to take a shower....
I got out and did my skincare routine...
I looked at the watch and it was 8 am...i had no mood to see anyone today so i decided to take a break....

I flipped the pancake I made for breakfast trying hard not to think about last night...
I never wanted to talk to Cole like was rude...but what he did was....just unacceptable....its better if I stay away from him and control my emotions towards him...maybe dad was right I should go out sometimes....

I decided to call Kelly my advisor....when we first met she gave me her number and we became kinda close....I decided to go out with her...

Emily: hey! R u up for coffee and friends time

I waited for her response....she replied in few seconds

Kelly: Gurlll! I was about to ask u the same question

Emily: well...then let's meet at Griffin's cafeteria :)

Kelly: ill be there in 5

I started searching through the closet only to end up wearing my black shirt and jeans...putting my hair in a bun I grabbed my car keys and left....

We arrived exactly at the same time....
"Hello beautiful! " Kelly greeted
"Hii" I smiled.....
Kelly was very talented and beautiful...she wore ariana's signature ponytail and fashion nova....she looked stunning with her chocolatey skin tone and dimples...
We were becoming good friends and I felt like I could talk to her about anything

We settled on the middle seat of the cafeteria....
"What would u ladies like" a waiter came with menu...
"Ill just take cappuccino and cheese sandwich" I told him
"Ill take beefburger" Kelly smiled checking  him out...I rolled my eyes
"Whatt" she asked flipping her hair

"So what's up sis" she said smiling....
"Nothing just took a day off from my boring  life what bout u"
"Uk same old shit....just being an advisor to mediocre medical students or u can say newbie docs" she stated sipping her water
"Oh...." I signed

I looked outside the window and couldn't help but wonder what Cole would be doing rn....when I last saw him his face was pretty fucked up from the fight......I hope that asshat is okay...

"Girl where u lost at" she said snapping her fingers
"Uh...nowhere...umm sorry u were saying something" I asked
"Uk u can tell me what's bothering u em" she said holding my hand.."Em?" I smiled
"U don't like...that nickname?" She raised her eyebrows
"No its just...u reminded me of someone" I looked away

I signed..
I knew I could tell her.....she is just like my sister...

"Tell me what's wrong" she asked again
"Uk...u remember that guy at Bethlehem...the one who had golden eyes"
"Uh huh" she replied
" just thinking about him" I said shyly
"Did he do something" she questioned looking concerned
" i mean I just can't stop thinking about him...its weird...ik this is so wrong...I shouldn't but i can't stop like knowing that he did it but there's still no stopping my thoughts"  I said slightly raising my voice...some people turned around to look at me...ughh..

"What?..... I have no idea what ur talking about....explain " she demanded
"Its nothing let it be " I said putting my head in my hand
"Ik that u drooling over him" she said smiling
"What" I looked up
"Listen....don't take it personally but I saw u looking at him being all smiley ya know"
"Ik u have a thing for him" she said doing a little dance

"No i don't" I said trying hard not to blush....god why am I blushing
"Ur just tell me what's bothering u" she said
"What's bothering me....Kell he is a prisoner....i cannot have feelings for him i mean sheriff's daughter for god sake....i cannot do this"  I spilled out
"So u do have a thing for him" she smirked
"Ughhh Kelly" I rolled my eyes

"Ik ik sorry.." she said putting up her hands to surrender
"Idk what to do with myself" I asked her
"Listen" I looked at her....she paused

"Damn...i really do not have anything to say rn...i mean that never happened before I always have nice advices.but..Im just speechless"  she said confused
"So u mean im helpless...this has to be controlled kell"
" there's no controlling of love hon"
"U don't control it..u let it control u" she replied like a love guru

"Kell ur seriously not helping" I stated with a straight face
"Em just...calm down...just get to know him okay...just spend a little time with him to know your own feelings alryt?"
"What about dad" I asked

"Well...don't tell him now that u have feelings for this boi...damn whats his name?" She asked making a face
"Cole...Cole Reynolds" I said folding my hands
"Yeah just confirm your feelings for him before discussing it with Mr.Rodalph...kay?"
I nodded looking away

"Babe...don't stress about it and ruin everything okay....maybe he is a criminal but everyone has a story right....just get to know his...and well...he is kinda hot tho"
She said smiling
"Shut up" I smiled back
"Do u think he likes u back" she said popping her eyes out
"Idk...he said that he likes when I go to see him" I blushed

"Aaaaayyy" she shouted excitedly managing to gain everyone's attention
"We r seriously making a scene here rn" I said hiding my face
"This is a love story and im so up for it" she said
"Oh damn its 10 already...i gotta go...umm...u GO and behave normal and get to know him okay and keep me updated" she smiled and stood up
She walked funny in her heels....
"Bye" I shouted
"Bye baby" she replied giving a flying kiss and closing the cafeterias door...

This is a very long chapter ik im sorry🤦🏻‍♀️ im just way too excited for this story..

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