Chapter 34

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After what felt like years...Jaden's phone ringed again

I snatched it away from him cutting it
"Now listen...Don't try to be something that u r not" I gritted
"Which is?" He questioned
"Smart" I replied as I dialled the no. Again...I saw him give me a growl..I couldn't care less

"Tell them to leave the girl and go away" I ordered...i don't even know how I got this much confidence...I get scared of lizards and here im ordering around a mafia

"What if I didn't...its not like u r gonna kill me" he smirked...Goshh how much I hate these evil smirks
"No I would've..  but u have Amy...however I would tear your skin off of your face...I mean if torture would help u speak up then torture it is" I said...

He agreed after throwing a temper tantrum...he must really care about that smug face of his

Cole had called backup and by back up i mean thugs and they were here...i didn't see them but i assume they r in large number...becuz Jaden looked scared... and turned on... somehow...yuck!

I gave Jaden the phone putting it on speaker
"Boss we r here where r u" his goon answered
"Just leave Rebekah outside and go ill collect her" he ordered
"Leave her alone??..but boss-" he interrupted
"Just do as I say" Jaden yelled

He cut the call and threw the phone away
Cole asked Ellery to go and take Rebekah

"Just don't let her see me like this" Jaden begged...his blood was now all over the floor
I looked at Cole and he nodded

I wonder why he was letting me order around and do everything....whatever I am doing is right maybe thats why

I got outside the apartment and waited for Ellery...she came after 2 minutes with a small girl...

"Is she Rebekah?" I raised my eyebrow in concern
"Yes" Ellery replied...oh god she looks like 6 or 7

She shouldn't see this...I was expecting Jaden's gf or someone like that not a little girl

I bent down on my knees to talk to her

"Hi..Im Emily" I smiled
"Hi im Lebekah" she stuttered..I smiled..she is cute
"She is Jaden's niece" Ellery said...

"Rebekah we r going to play a game okay...Jaden is gonna come and find u so we will hide u with Ellery...for few days...we r gonna eat alot of candies and have fun..all u have to do is stay there okay?" I told her
She beamed with happiness...poor girl
"Okay" she jumped with excitement..I chuckled

Ellery blind folded her and took her to the room...this was so wrong...two innocent girl's life were at sake

Well...not two only one...i know Cole would never do anything to hurt Rebekah...he is not that heartless

After Rebekah was in her room...I went back to Jaden...we took Rebeka to make sure that Jaden wouldn't hurt Amy or Cole
But only we knew that even if Jaden betrays us we wouldn't hurt the little girl

Cole slowly moved infront of me his back facing me...indicating me to stop whatever i was gonna do

"Cole wait" I said as I put my hand on his shoulder

I marched towards Jaden's lying figure...
"Facetime with Amy...Right now" I ordered
I love ordering around

Jaden glared at me which made me a little bit scared but I shrugged putting on a cold bitch sure he didn't see this coming when he threatened me with gun
I hate being threatened by gun memories with guns r not so cherishable

I also know that he won't let me go away with it so easily...He will try to take revenge

He picked up his phone and dialled his goon I assume and asked him to Face time him...after a while
The video call came

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