After Rebirth I Became Spoiled Chapter 37

Start from the beginning

During the four classes this morning, Su Meng concentrated all the time, taking notes from time to time. Sometimes when she felt sleepy or unable to concentrate, she pinched her arm fiercely and dispelled herself with pain. His sleepiness made himself sober again.

The fierceness of hitting the flesh on his arm made Li Youqing feel unbearable looking at it.

Moreover, Su Meng's skin is delicate, and she didn't let any water out when she started on herself, so now she has bruises on her arms.

Su Meng brushed the questions without looking up and said, "The monthly exam is about to come, I want to get a good result."

Li Youqing shook his head and sighed, "Then you don't have to fight like this, pay attention to the combination of work and rest."

"I know, Youqing, thank you."

The last class in the morning is a math class. The math teacher will enter the classroom three or four minutes in advance each time. These few minutes can allow students who have questions to ask questions.

Even if Su Meng encountered problems in her studies before, she almost never asked the teacher for help, but turned to the classmates around her.

But for some questions, her classmates themselves knew little about them, so naturally they couldn't answer her questions.

Maybe it was too much to want to get good results in the monthly exam, so this time, Su Meng took the first step in life.

Holding a question she didn't understand in her hand, she stepped onto the podium for an unprecedented time to ask the math teacher for advice.

The mathematics teacher saw Su Meng, who had never asked him a question before, actually came to ask a question, and was very pleased. After reading the question, he answered Su Meng's question concisely.

After listening to the teacher's answer, Su Meng felt like an enlightenment, and suddenly realized.

After all, teachers have many years of teaching experience, so in some knowledge points, they have more abundant problem-solving skills than students with excellent grades. In the high school study, these problem-solving skills are particularly important.

After thanking the teacher, Su Meng returned to her seat and wrote the answering steps that the teacher just explained to her with a pen step by step, so as to consolidate her impression of this exercise and try to see it again next time When it comes to similar questions, I can draw inferences from one another and successfully win the points for this question.

Seeing Su Meng's hard work, Li Youqing felt encouraged. Her tablemate looks so good-looking and works so hard. Why not work hard?

So Li Youqing also joined Su Meng's diligent learning team.

The diligent two even led a circle of students around to work hard together.

The morning time passed quickly, and the get out of class bell for the last class in the morning rang as scheduled. After the math teacher announced that get out of class was dismissed, the classmates rushed to the cafeteria.

After Su Meng finished writing the last number, she was just about to go to dinner with Li Youqing and Zhang Xiaoya. At this time, the noon music that had been playing on the school radio stopped abruptly.

This music was replaced by an unusually young and pleasant male voice.

The male voice adjusted the microphone first. I don't know why. When the boy shouted "Hey hello" into the microphone, Su Meng immediately felt that this voice was familiar, as if it belonged to Jiang Tingzhou.

While she was still wondering, the boy's next sentence proved that her conjecture was completely correct.

Jiang Tingzhou used his lazy tone as he used to, and said casually, "Teachers and classmates at school, good noon. This is Jiang Tingzhou. Here, I will borrow a few minutes of broadcasting."

As soon as this sentence fell, most of the people on campus were a little confused, and even the students rushing to the cafeteria madly stopped subconsciously. They didn't know what Jiang Tingzhou was going to do.

Occupying the radio privately, and I don't know what I want to do with the radio during lunch time. This arrogant man named Jiang Tingzhou is really not afraid of being punished by the school?

Just when many people, including Su Meng, did not know what Jiang Tingzhou was going to do, the sound of music accompaniment slowly sounded on the radio.

Li Youqing grabbed Su Meng's arm in excitement. At this time, she had no intention of leaving the classroom to go to the cafeteria. She was looking forward to it now, because she felt that Jiang Tingzhou was so cool and definitely not taking the usual path. She had a hunch in her heart, that is, "Attention from all parties, high energy ahead!!" The words high energy ahead should also be red and bold!

"It's your little brother on the radio! Your little brother!"

Su Meng was shaken by Li Youqing's whole person, "I know."

To be honest, Su Meng has no idea what Jiang Tingzhou is going to do.

It is impossible to say that there is no doubt in the heart.

But she is actually more worried about the follow-up of this matter.

After all, the school's radio is not a trifle. It's not that anyone can use it at will.

Although I don't know how Jiang Tingzhou got into the school broadcasting room and shut down the music on her own, she was really afraid of him being criticized by the whole school.

Just as Su Meng was thinking about things, Jiang Tingzhou's singing voice had been broadcast throughout the campus. No matter where it is, you can hear Jiang Tingzhou's song now.

This is the first time Su Meng has heard Jiang Tingzhou sing. To be honest, his voice is very good, with texture and special sound quality. When singing, the intonation carries his unique inattentive tone, which is inexplicably attractive.

Su Meng couldn't help thinking, in fact, Jiang Tingzhou sang better than Lu Boxing. She just couldn't see his expression.

The lyrics sounded one after another. The more you listened, the faster Su Meng's heartbeat.

After listening to the lyrics, Li Youqing on the side was almost dizzy with excitement.

"I first met her on a summer vacation

My heart was taken down when I looked at her for the third time

No, it's not like that, I swear I really don't spend

Sing this song to your girl who belongs to me

Although you will grow up with me after you are two years old

Happiness or sadness, you have me beside you,

As long as I have you along the way, I am not afraid of any obstacles

I want to learn to grow up as soon as possible

I want to accompany you through the wind and rain

Accompany you from summer to winter

Thank **** for letting me meet such a good you

Time distance will not be a problem

oh i want to show off to everyone

My BABYGIRL is of course the best

I like the character you love to act like a baby to me

I won't let you be alone and hold you tight."

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